Your little black box will monitor your SPEED and ELECTRONICALLY - TopicsExpress


Your little black box will monitor your SPEED and ELECTRONICALLY ISSUE YOU a TICKET if you speed. It could also monitor for complete stops at stop signs, crosswalks, and anywhere else they wanted to write you a citation for not coming to a complete (3-second) stop for. They could easily incorporate breathalyzer analysis and monitor your every move for playback at their convenience. The black box could accurately recreate accident scenes and show who was at fault based on aggregate GPS data. Finally, and this is the kicker---they will tax you for every mile you drive with a carbon tax in addition to all the other taxes they collect... truth_not_lies 1 hour ago KJBroder 11 minutes ago But we need to fund those mass transit choo choos and bike paths! Put a black box on all bicycles, trains and buses and then multiply the tax based on the number of riders, see how that fares. If it happens here in Minnesota I will mass produce jammers and plant them around the cities! Allison Powers 55 minutes ago Just because we have the technology doesnt mean we should do it. Maybe we shod make it clear we will vote out anybody involved in this plan? suehal 1 hour ago Lee Munnich says the gas tax is just not sustainable -- does this mean he will call for the repeal of the gas tax??? Why not put tracking devices in all pairs of shoes purchased -- this way they could tax people for the repairs of sidewalks... Perhaps we should implant tracking devices in all Gitmo guys and this way they could be tracked after they are released... Perhaps we will see, in the future, tracking devices implanted in every newborn --this way the government can track them from birth to death- and we can hear government officials say this is a must for our nation.... workn stiff 1 hour ago Sooner or later the cameras will track your person(face recognition). Get ready for the tax for breathing and using up oxygen. And I could see those being born to have chip surgically implanted. john_q_militia 2 hours ago Why are the highway trust funds broke? Because almost all of the money--about 68 percent--has been ROBBED from the funds and used for mass transit projects. kennyworld 2 hours ago Its just another tax and another tracking device . With all these tax on a tax on a tax taxes its a wonder anybody wants to work . Why not just stay home and collect a check with food stamps and free housing like the trolls do. I guess thats what the ruling elite want . Detroit all over again . dragman36 2 hours ago GPS systems are already in vehicles today. The government is listening and know where you go now. If you have bluetooth or GPS they know. The government wants MORE CONTROL OVER THE PEOPLE. This is exactly why government needs to be a hell of alot smaller. Computers are great but their being used against the people now and its wrong. JoanneSeemsNice 2 hours ago Pretty soon you will be taxed for carbon. Dear Citizen, You have been traveling too much this year and will be fined. Sincerly, The Gestapo
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 02:11:40 +0000

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