Your soul will always lead you back to a place where it is safe - TopicsExpress


Your soul will always lead you back to a place where it is safe and a place of constant guidance. Take the time each day to listen for the connection or it will get harder to reestablish it every time. You deserve it, and owe it to your whole self to take at least 5 minutes for yourself everyday. If you are or have difficulty finding that small amount of time, then you better take a real hard look at how much you value all of you – body, mind, and soul. Here is a wonderful exercise that will allow you to check-in with yourself and your soul, and at the same time help you to make a positive shift, so you don’t have to keep doing what isn’t for your highest good. Soul Check-In Exercise Intuition flows on the breath. It’s also filled with the universal energy that enhances your overall well-being. For this exercise, just close your eyes and breathe deeply. Relax, and let your awareness bring you back into your body. Follow your breath to the quiet, still place within your heart. Take a few breaths into this area and continue to relax until you feel grounded. Your body and mind will begin to grow quieter with each breath. Let your thoughts come in, just simply notice them, and then watch them go out again. Imagine in your mind’s eye that as you breathe in and out, pure universal energy is running up and down your spine. As this energy flows through your body, it’s clearing and spinning your energy centers (chakras) as your soul becomes infused with source energy. Next, bring your awareness into your solar plexus area, and ask your intuition and your soul if there’s something it wants to tell you. Breathe and pause here for a moment, acknowledging whatever comes. As with this exercise and others I have suggested in previous newsletters, I recommend that you keep your soul journal nearby, so you can journal your thoughts, soul flashes and intuitive messages. This exercise is also great if you have a decision or choice that needs to be made. Get a post-it note and stick the following affirmation on your computer or some place where you’ll see it clearly every day. It will be a reminder to check in with your intuition and your soul before you hastily move forward. “I pause and ask before I act” Live a Soul-Filled life! ~ John Holland johnholland
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 23:58:17 +0000

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