“Your unique process in the Lord” By: Josh Clevenger - TopicsExpress


“Your unique process in the Lord” By: Josh Clevenger Three major elements combine to make a diamond. The uniqueness of a diamond is in its beauty and rarity. When a diamond is found in the natural elements of the earth pressure, heat, and time are needed to form the diamond. A diamond is highly sought after because it is beautiful to the eye and brings attention to the one wearing the diamond. We measure gifts by the size of a diamond and we strive to be able to afford such things in our lives. When the Lord first looks at us in our sin, He sees the splendor of a diamond. He sees the great beauty you have and treats you as if you where a great prize. We in sin our just a lump of unseen potential and we are discarded by the world. The world does not recognize our beauty because they only judge things on the outside. The Lord takes us in our ugliest stage of our lives and cleans us with His blood. The blood washes away the stain of sin and a beauty begins to form within us. Then the Lord puts pressure on us and begins to purge our hurt from us. This process in our development with the Lord is hard because the things I have tried to keep down in my soul, He brings out to get rid of all my hurt and pain. I often times feel overwhelmed, but the Lord is always there to comfort me. The Lord loves me so much that He removes all of my hurts and rejections in my life. The Lord then will apply great heat to my life. The heat is the holy fire of the Lord that refines me in His image. I am being transformed by His hand and the consuming fire of the Lord is all around me. During this time people may not understand the inside process of the Lord in my life but His refining fire is cleansing my soul. The Lord is a consuming fire and He will consume us with His love and desire. In this period I may lose old friends and people may walk away from me because they do not understand His process, but I am comforted by His great love for me. This process will go on in my life for a period of time. When I think the process is complete, He will begin the process again. I often times feel like time has past me by or I have missed my season. The Lord is refining me and time is used for edification. In this process many overlook who I am because they do not see value in me, but one day someone stops and sees the investment in my life by the Lord. I am picked up from the rough of my life and the person sees the beauty of the Lord on the inside and outside. The person declares they have found a diamond in the rough. I now have value and beauty in my life. This process is because the Lord stopped and saw beyond my sinful nature. You may be going though the process to become a refined diamond in the Lord. Do not give up and do not loose heart. The Lord saw beauty in you and He is refining you with His love. He is perfect love and He brings perfect change in our lives. You will become a great asset to the Lord and He will put in position to succeed. The Lord takes the ones who were discarded and makes them into beautiful diamonds the whole world desires. Keep going you are worth more than any amount of money to the Lord!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 22:48:44 +0000

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