Youve probably read a post or two about and from my friend - TopicsExpress


Youve probably read a post or two about and from my friend Tami. She has been having amazing results with Plexus and now her daughter is too! Tami Taylor Langenbach: You know, I’ve complained an awful lot about the fact that my children never listen to me, so I feel obligated to report it to the world when one of my kids actually DOES. In this instance, I’m talking about my second daughter. She actually has a pretty busy life, going through a divorce while trying to raise my grandson and maintain her job, a job which can be a pretty stressful thing itself. She works in the medical industry, specifically in a residential care unit for patients diagnosed with severe and persistent mental illnesses. You might be interested to know that because of her experience with these patients, she can verify that I am not in fact certifiably insane (despite the apparent general consensus)! Anyway, several years ago my daughter started having problems with pain centered around her muscles and joints. The diagnosis changed depending on which doctor she talked to, but I believe the last diagnosis was something called “Ehlers-Danlos” something or other. About a month ago, I talked her into trying the pink gunk I’ve been using, and she hadn’t said much about it until this morning, when I got a private message from her that started off with “Mom, I’ve GAINED four pounds on Plexus-”, at which point I was ready to come up with an argument for staying on it, but then I heard the rest of the message... “-but I’m down a whole pants size!” Further investigation finds that she appears to be gaining back muscle tone without even trying, and these days when she has to pull a double shift overnight at work, she actually has the energy to do it. Folks, I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to at least give this stuff some consideration. Think about this... Even though it is not a medication, there are insurance companies who will pay for it. Why? Because when their clients use this stuff, odds are that it’s going to save a lot more in long-term medical bills. Plexus is a total body health product that works best over time, the company makes no medical claims, but obviously the insurance companies wouldn’t pay for it at all if there weren’t good reason to use it, and insurance companies don’t like to pay out any money they don’t have to. This stuff is all natural, tastes pretty good, and might just mean that you have to deal with a whole lot less in future medical issues. You might want to at least look into it.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:18:03 +0000

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