Zechariah 8:16 These are the things that you shall do: Speak - TopicsExpress


Zechariah 8:16 These are the things that you shall do: Speak the truth to one another; render in your gates judgments that are true and make for peace; Are we really prepared to speak the truth to one another......even though we may incur the wrath of a beloved brother or sister ? Are we prepared to tell it like it is ? Unless we are....we are just like the unbeliever. Anyone who says one thing to one....and another thing to another......is like the unbeliever who thinks they have mastery over who should know or be told ....anything. They direct a conversation or impart information as if conducting an orchestra.....now the tuba, then the violin...then Ill allow the drums to play. I come across this so often , in the world, and sadly, sometimes within the body of Christ. This is called self importance ....the thought that only I, as an individual , can be the imparter of or with-holder of , any information ......that I believe only I can decide who should know what, and when. This is disguised as thoughtfulness.....for the individual that the information impacts upon. . This implies that I, as an individual , am better equipped to know how the other person would handle such information and THIS implies that I am far more intelligent to handle or more mature....to deal with a situation....therefore I better not tell the other person what I know to be true. A situation has arisen whereby a friends daughter is in trouble. The holder of certain information had decided, in their own wisdom, that the mother of the daughter should not know about it. The anguish this has caused is immense....when the mother discovered just how much trouble her daughter was in. NO one knows or loves a child like its mother...no matter how close the friend thinks she is to her friends daughter. This is the behaviour and the way the world thinks and acts....not the body of Christ. A true believer would encourage this daughter to go to her mother....and tell her, herself. A true believer would help this daughter to do that....to do what is right...not to arbitrarily decide what should be done , and a true believer would never promise to withhold this information by agreeing to keep a secret from the mother. No child, no matter their age, should convince a believer that her mother should never know the situation. The world deals in secrets, we do not. The unbeliever THINKS they are doing the right thing....without realising the distance they are putting between a mother and daughter....even though that mother and daughter are estranged. More harm than good is being done. Where a relationship could be repaired...it is damaged further....with the coercion of the withholder of the information. If the shoe was on the other foot.....I can just imagine the indignation and the cry of...WHY didnt you tell me....WHO do you think you are ? This, of course, is hypocrisy......the thought that ONLY they can withhold information ....because ONLY they know best. This is moral and intellectual superiority..two things that the individual, who withholds information...does not possess. They are neither morally NOR intellectually superior ....this belief in their own abilities is seen through and recognised for what it is.......self righteousness. Saints.....speak truth to one another.....in every situation. Do not be like the world......let THEM deal in secrets and plots. Have nothing to do with any of it. Speak the truth .....not only in a personal situation , but , most importantly, when it comes to the Word of God. Tell it like it is....no matter how hurtful it may be. If we do not....a persons blood, should they die in an unforgiven state, may be on our head. ........ Ezekiel 3:18 ► When I say to a wicked person, You will surely die, and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. Speak the truth....in and out of season.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 10:45:47 +0000

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