Zeek Rewards Ponzi Scheme Squashed by SEC..... hahahaha News of - TopicsExpress


Zeek Rewards Ponzi Scheme Squashed by SEC..... hahahaha News of the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme spread rapidly this past week. Very rarely does anything positive come out of an SEC investigation. On Friday the Securities and Exchange Commission made fraud charges against Zeek Rewards official. Authorities at the SEC have classified the Zeek Rewards program as a Ponzi scheme and have ordered an emergency freezing of assets to soften the blow of the company’s collapse. With any luck, this freezing of assets will help victims minimize their losses from Zeek Rewards fraud and avoid a devastating blow to their finances. With dozens of Ponzi schemes being uncovered within the last decade, the United States is definitely no stranger to this sort of fraud. The ZeekRewards Ponzi scheme is reported to have affected over 1 million investors. 1 million?! That is an incredibly high number. In fact, the 1 million affected investors makes this Zeek Rewards fraud the largest Ponzi scheme…ever. ZeekRewards Ponzi scheme mastermind Paul Burks immediately knew he was in a world of hurt upon hearing the allegations. Burks coughed up $4,000,000 and is said to be cooperating with SEC officials. That’s fine and dandy and all, but his cooperation is not going to reverse the damage caused by Zeek Rewards fraud. “The SEC alleges that investors were collectively promised up to 50 percent of the company’s daily net profits through a profit sharing system in which they accumulate rewards points that they can use for cash payouts. However, the website fraudulently conveyed the false impression that the company was extremely profitable when, in fact, the payouts to investors bore no relation to the company’s net profits. Most of ZeekRewards’ total revenues and the “net profits” paid to investors have been comprised of funds received from new investors in classic Ponzi scheme fashion.” PDF:SEC Complaint From August 17th until today, zeekrewards has had the message: Zeek Rewards is currently unavailable. More information will be available shortly on this website. $600 Million Dollar Zeek Rewards Ponzi Scheme The SEC’s shut down of the $600 million Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme is a devastating blow to many people in the network marketing community. I really hope the SEC’s swift action prevents further losses resulting from Zeek Rewards fraud. Unfortunately, an event like this will only add to many people’s negative stigmas concerning network marketing and top tier programs. People need to understand that each network marketing company is independent and unique. While Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme may have come to an abrupt ending, this doesn’t mean that success in the marketing field is impossible. There are so many quality network marketing and top-tier programs out there. I ensure you that the majority of these business opportunities are completely legitimate. But with so many people buying into ZeekRewards Ponzi scheme, how can I be so sure? Zeek Rewards Ponzi Scheme: How do you sniff out a bad apple? Perhaps the most attractive aspects of network marketing, or any entrepreneurial venture for that matter, are the potential freedoms you can secure. Achieving financial freedom and securing the ability to dictate what you do with your time are invaluable. While these feats are always in the back of every entrepreneur’s mind, it is important not to get caught up looking to far into the future. Many people, even some who are actively invested in a network marketing or top-tier program, assume that their entrepreneurial venture is a “get rich quick” opportunity. This common misconception couldn’t stray further from the truth. While considerable financial success is more than just accessible in the online marketing field, ultimate success requires consistent effort. Most multi level or tip tier marketing companies have a system in place. In order to reap the financial benefits of one these programs you must “work” within the system to utilize the various methods of payout detailed in the compensation plan. Highly structured compensation plans and an outlined marketing system are almost always present in quality marketing companies. It’s fairly obvious that Zeek Rewards was very different fundamentally… This fundamental difference was a major contributor to Zeek Rewards fraud. All of this rambling is to say that success requires effort and WORK. Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme essentially asked members to invest money, stand back, and watch it grow. While free money sounds enticing, isn’t something missing here? When I first took a look at Zeek Rewards earlier this year, I also took a good amount of my time to research another up and coming marketing program. After comparing the two in an in-depth manner, it became pretty clear to me which seemed like a more stable and promising option. I chose Empower Network. Have you heard of it before? Maybe because success leaves clues. Clues to the tune of $8 millon dollars in commissionsPAID IN FULL to affiliates and a site hovering around the top 200 most trafficked in the U.S. Zeek rewards fraud Source: Alexa Empower Network emphasizes the importance of effort and continued education. This remarkable program equips members with ability to earn and learn simultaneously (I wish my college would have). Empower Network’s strong structural emphasis on work and action obviously varies quite a bit from the “sit back and watch” approach presented by Zeek Rewards fraud. I’ve been WORKING with Empower Network for a few months now and I couldn’t be more satisfied. Check out how I was able to make $625 while floating down a river with a beer in my hand. Before investing your time and money into any business, it is important to gain a firm understanding of the direction and makeup of a company. Empower Network’s combination of active leadership and concrete emphasis on work and action make for an attractive business venture. Looking to Recover from a Zeek Rewards Ponzi Scheme?: 2 Fundamental Rules to Follow when Building a Business zeekrewards ponzi scheme If you happen to be one of the many affected by Zeek Rewards Fraud and the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme, I hope your losses are limited and that one bad apple hasn’t ruined your dreams of a supplemental income. Remember that success in business is dependent on only 2 things. 1. Join the right team/company! 2. Work!(30 minutes-Hour a day for 90 day results) Click here to find out how you can be “Working” to build your own profitable business. Best wishes to our friends trying to recover their money from the Zeek Rewards ponzi scheme. Mike (4 Posts) Hello, world. My name is Mike, but you can call me on the phone. Fresh out of school looking for a way to make things happen without depending on the undependable job market. Ive learned recently that their are numerous routes to success. Each of these various routes has one factor in common: Unconventionality. By thinking outside the box (and apparently by typing cliches) you can define your goals and reach them without the obligation of ass-kissing and office politics. My days of a pseudo-athlete are far in the past, but the value of a team is still fresh in my mind. Im blessed to be working with such an incredible team. Sharing common goals is one thing, while helping each other reach common goals is another. Who is on your team? I consider myself to be a Lifestyle Engineer. With proper training, tools, and of course the far-reaches of the internet, anyone can find a team and reach their goals. Im 24 and I hope to never be dependent on the traditional job market. While financial freedom is obviously a goal of mine, I consider my time to be worth more. Whens the last time you slept in? Share this: Facebook5 Google Twitter7 Tumblr StumbleUpon Pinterest Tagged as: mlm review, zeek rewards, zeek rewards fraud, zeek rewards ponzi scheme, zeek rewards shuts doors, zeekler fraud, zeekler ponzi scheme, zeekrewards fraud, zeekrewards ponzi .
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 05:53:03 +0000

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