Zimbabwe do you know that the Zimbabwe National Army’s - TopicsExpress


Zimbabwe do you know that the Zimbabwe National Army’s involvement in the DRC conflict was motivated more by Mugabe, Mnangagwa and the military junta’s desire to enrich themselves on Congo’s rich natural resources? Among them was Robert Mhlanga, a former Air Force Vice-Marshal and Mugabe’s personal helicopter pilot, who retired a millionaire shortly after his tour in the DRC. This thug Robert Mhlanga was also a key state witness in the treason trial against MDC President, Morgan Tsvangirai in 2003. Mhlanga is a cousin to Obert Dumbuguru Mpofu and the two are heavily involved in the looting of Diamond at Chiadzwa at the detriment of so many downtrodden and impoverished Zimbabweans. Everyone knows that the diamond proceeds from Chiadzwa are not being remitted to Treasury and that is what Tendai Biti has been trying to argue all along. The ownership structures of Mbada and Canadile are designed to facilitate the flow of diamond revenue into the pockets of ZANU patronage networks as opposed to the public treasury. Obert Mpofu’s relentless diamond looting is very worrying and more so family dynamicised as it also involves Sithengisiso Mpofu’s - Dumbuguru’s sister-in-law who also served in Mbada Diamonds. Fellow Zimbabweans, let me remind you that the Marange Diamond fields does not belong to Zanu PF neither is it a Zanu PF property. Instead it belongs to you and me, it belongs to Zimbabwe. Had the people in Zanu PF not been ruthless thieves, channelling diamond monies destined for the development of our country into their pockets, surely Harare residents wouldn’t be drinking sewage water, Bulawayo residents would have seen better development in terms of infrastructure and the Zambezi Water for Bulawayo project would have been completed 10 years ago. Furthermore, the hospitals in our country wouldn’t be using cellphone torches to deliver babies in their maternity units. Fellow Zimbabweans, it would be a political suicide to vote a Zanu PF government back in power. Even the spirits of genuine liberation war Heroes like Lookout Masuku, Josiah Magama Tongogara, Herbert Chitepo and many others whose sacred remains are being denigrated to rest side by side with thieves and murderers like Elias Kanengoni will never forgive us. Neither the posterity will forgive us. Asijiki Ndatenda Baba Jukwa
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 14:06:25 +0000

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