Ziqad 4- Bahr-e-Aam of Hz Bandagi Miyan Mubarak Bhai Mahajir - TopicsExpress


Ziqad 4- Bahr-e-Aam of Hz Bandagi Miyan Mubarak Bhai Mahajir RZ Ziqad 5- URS of Hz Bandagi Miyan Mubarak Bhai Mahajir RZ Imam Mahdi (AS) is narrated to have told Bandagi Miyan Bhai Muhajir (RZ), You are the sprout (buti) of (divine) Love. Hz Bandagi Miyan Mubarak Bhai Mahajir RZ is a ‘Muhajir’ Migrating Companion of Imamuna AS. His brothers are the famous Hz Bandagi Miyan Bhik Mahajir RZ (he revived the dead) and Hz Bandagi Miyan Farid Mahajir RZ. All of them were migrating companions of Imamuna AS. They are the descendants of Hz Muntaqibuddin Zar Zari Zar Baqsh RA, the famous saint of Khuldabad in Aurangabad. Some historians record that they were from Gujrath and they came in the audience of Imamuna AS in Gujrath. A famous incident of Hz Bhai Mahajir RZ is about his own wedding. The Nikah of Bandagi Miyan Bhai Muhajir RZ was performed. Hz Bhai Mahajir RZ was taken into the house. He accepted the woman as his wife. The bride was made to sit in front of him. At that moment somebody told him that Imam Mahdi AS had come there. Immediately he gave his sword to his wife in lieu of her mahr (dower) and said, I am going with the Imam AS to remain in his company. Your ikhtiar (authority) is in your hands. He said this and went away. People tried to persuade her to marry somebody else. She did not marry again. Finally, Hz Miyan Bhai Muhajir RZ returned and she accompanied him and both remained in the company of Imam Mahdi AS. Hz Miyan Bhai Muhajir RZ use to be silent most of the time and spoke if necessary and use to converse in a very low tone even with his fellow companions and friends and loved seclusion and silence. Whenever he spoke he use to talk about the virtues of Imamuna AS. He use to narrate that Imam Mahdi AS said, If a person remained in the company of the Imam (AS) for as short a period it takes to dust his footwear, all his past sins would be forgiven. After the passing away of Imamuna AS at Farah, he came under the Khilafat of Hz Sani-e-Mehdi RZ and stayed in Farah, later on under Hz Sani-e-Mehdi RZ he migrated to Gujrath and stayed in his Daira at Bhelot. Hz Sani-e-Mehdi Rz permitted him to establish a separate Daira in the nearby village called Dasada. From here he started propagation of the teachings of Imamuna AS. People attracted to his Daira due to his Taqwa i.e he was a strict follower of the Shariah. It is to be noted that Hz Bandagi Miyan Syed Khundmir RZ sent his son Hz Syed Mehmood ‘Syedanji Khatimul Murshideen’ RZ to receive his religious education from Hz Miyan Bhai Muhajir RZ. It is also recorded that from his childhood days Hz Khatimul Murshid RZ and Hz Miyan Bhai Mahajir RZ had unbound love towards each other. In his childhood Hz Khatimul Murshid RZ use to visit Hz Miyan Bhai Mahajir RZ and enquire, what are you doing, in reply he would say, ‘I am doing Zikr-Allah’, on this the child use to ask “Teach me, I will also do Zikr-Allah”. Upon this Hz Miyan Bhai Mahajir RZ started instructing him in Zikr-Allah. The young Hz Khatimul Murshideen RZ would sit beside him and would do Zikr-Allah for long time until someone from the house would come in search of him, some days later this became famous in the Daira, if the young boy Hz Khatimul Murshideen RZ was not seen, people would say do not search for him anywhere, “he might be sitting with Hz Miyan Bhai Mahajir RZ in Zikr-Allah”. This was the unbound love between them. Afterwards Hz Syed Shahabuddin Shahabul Haq RZ and Hz Syed Mehmood ‘Syedanji Khatimul Murshid’ RZ both these noble brothers use to visit the Daira of Hz Bandagi Miyan Mubarak Bhai Mahajir RZ once every six months. They had so much of respect for him that whenever they visited him they would sit on the floor in front of him and would never sit on anything on the latter’s insistence also. They would carry their footwear in hand when they entered in his Daira, such was the nobleness of these noble and eminent brothers for Hz Miyan Bhai Mahajir RZ. He was such a strict follower of rules and regulation that he never even once tolerated any inmate of the Daira venture out without his permission and he use to take care of each and everyone of his Daira including the minor and major. It is narrated that Nizam-ul-Mulk kept Miyan Pir Muhammad RZ an inmate of his Daira in prison in Kabiri town, Miyan Pir Muhammad RAs mother died here. Miyan Bhai Muhajir RZ’s wife sent one of the brothers from her husbands daira without giving information to Hz Miyan Bhai Muhajir RZ. Later the Miyan RZ came to know of the brothers departure. The Miyan RZ said, He has gone without my permission. May Allah not bring him back into my daira. The brother on his return came near the daira but the thieves killed him on the way. It is also said that, Hz Alam Khan Dasadia RA the ruler of Dasada did tasdiq on the noble hands of Imamuna Mehdi AS. Later to show his respect and love for the Khulafa and fuqara he sent the marriage proposal of the princess i.e his daughter with the son of Hz Bandagi Miyan Syed Shahabuddin ‘Shihabul Haq’ RZ. The proposal was declined saying we are fuqara and you are a wealthy man how is it possible. Hz Alam Khan Dasadia RA was sad with the reply and came in the feet of Hz Miyan Bhai Mahajir RZ and gave the details and said please accept my daughter and said ‘Allah Diya’ and went away. Hz Miyan Bhai Mahajir RZ immediately sent the marriage proposal to Hz Shihabul Haq RZ, saying, “Bhai Chabuji RZ, the girl is now daughter of this faqir” then the marriage took place and in this way their descendants are the maternal grandsons of Hz Alam Khan Dasadia RA of Gujrath. On 5th Ziqad, this noble personality Hz Miyan Bhai Mahajir RZ the migrating companion of Imamuna AS passed away in the mercy of His Lord and was laid to eternal rest in his Daira at Dasada. Taher Md. Saheb Dammam, K.S.A.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 17:26:58 +0000

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