Zuck inspired me to dust off my Chinese, so I translated the Q&A. - TopicsExpress


Zuck inspired me to dust off my Chinese, so I translated the Q&A. Would love corrections and additions! I missed some parts :S Zuck: Hello everyone! Im very happy to come to Beijing, i love this city. My chinese is really bad but I will try using chinese today. Maybe i need practice :) Host: Everyone was very surprised that you can speak chinese. Why do you want to learn chinese? Zuck: I have 3 reasons 1. My wife is chinese. Her family speaks chinese, her grandma only speaks chiense, so i wanted to be able to talk to them. when we decided to get married, I used chinese to tell her grandma and she was extremely surprised. 2. I want to study chinese culture. I think china is a great country, and i think studying a language can help me study the culture, so i studied the language. 3. Chinese is hard! I only spoke english, and I like a challenge. Host: Ok, tonight we will challenge mark! Ill only use chinese! How many times have you come to china? Zuck: 4 times. Ive been to beijing, shanghai, hangzhou, tianjin Host: Tianjin! Why? Zuck: When i came to beijing i wanted to take a really fast train. Also, I wanted to visit Huo Yuan Jias home town (from the movie Fearless, by Jet Li). I really like that movie! I want to see his home town) (host re-translates this to the crowd) Host: which is your favorite city? Zuck: Thats really hard. I really like Beijing but China has very many beautiful places Host: What is are your plans for this visit? (Mark asks him to repeat what he said) Zuck: This week im participating in this conference (it has a long and hard to say name, something about business). I think Qinghuas students are really good! Facebook has 140+ Qinghua alum employees - you are one! Last night we hired 20 Qinghua students (i think) Host: last night they agreed to 20 students to go work at facebook (not 100% on this) Host: Why do you want to participate in the board? Zuck: 1. I want to thank you, and im very honored to be part of this. 2. I really value eduction. In america Ive done a lot to support education. Participating in this meeting is a good chance to allow me to study and support education in china. Host: This month youve also visited a lot of countries. Whats the goal of your trip? Zuck: Yes, Ive been to India, korea, japan, indonesia. We want to help the people use the internet Today most of the world, 65% people dont have the internet. Some people, 15 % dont have network connections. 30% dont have (something else?) But most of the people dont have the internet because they dont know why they want the internet. If you ask me, (no, sorry) If i ask you, (laughter) if you dont have a computer or cell phone or internet and i ask you do you want the internet you might ask me why would i want access to the internet. There are a lot of problems. But we need to connect the world. The internet creates jobs and opportunity for economic growth, so its very important. Host: Connecting the world is Marks life mission. When did you start to want to connect the world? Zuck: 2004 I founded Facebook because i wanted to connect all of harvards students. I always thought there should there should be products that connected the world but thought thered be other companies that do that. I remember when i was a high school student, every night id eat pizza with my friends and discuss the future. One day i made the first version of facebook, im really happy i helped connect students here but one day i hope theres a product that connect the world. But were just students, i thought other companies would do it, google, others, thousands of other companies with millions of users, but were just students, we always believed that connecting the world was important. Other companies didnt believe, but we kept believing, and we kept going and now we have 1.3bn users. *applause* Host: Lots of students here think about creating companies. What advice do you have for them? (Zuck clarifies - advice for starting companies?) Zuck: I feel the best companies are started not because the founders want to start a company, but because the founders want to change the world. *strong applause* If you decide you want to start a company, you might start developing your first idea. But you might have a lot of ideas, you dont know which idea is very good. If your first idea isnt good, then your company isnt good. But if you decide to change the world, you can work on your ideas first and then if you find a really good one then you start a company. Host: (first shares Zucks answer succintly) From founding facebook, whats your most important tip for success? Zuck: The best thing is you must not give up. Creating a company is really hard. Most of them will not be smooth sailing. It s a hard decision to start a company. If you dont believe in yourself, you will give up. The greatest founders do not give up. Believing in your self and not giving up is super important. Host: What do you think of Chinese Innovation? Zuck: Yeah, i mean, I think China has a lot of the worlds most innovative companies. Last night i went to have dinner with Xiaomis (someone). Xiaomi is a very innovative company and has quickly developed a lot of very successful products. They are very cheap. *laughter because he called them cheap, lol* I feel they, Xiaomi, will grow very fast. Weixin is very big, taobao is very innovative, theyve created a lot of job opportunities. China has some of the worlds most innovative. Host: Whats Facebooks plans in china? Its a hard question? Zuck: Were already in china! We help chinese companies advertise outside of china. They use FB ads to to find customers, for example, Lenovo in indonesia uses FB ads to sell new mobile phones.... (Ive forgotten.... in english). In china we want to help businesses and create economic development (something) its amazing (English). So, we want to help other places in the world contact with china, whether its big cities, workers in the country. Yeah. Hangzhou and Qingdao also has businesses that create really good FB pages that share chinese culture. Host: (to audience) such a hard qusetion, and he gave us several sentences! (applause) Now we will ask you some personal questions about life, ok? Zuck: Ok. Host: First, What colors do you like? Zuck: Blue! if you look at green or red, its because facebook is blue. [ED: I dont understand what he means] Host: What chinese food do you like? Zuck: In beijing i always like to eat hutong snacks. I like Beijing Duck. Host: Outside of work, what other activities do you do? Zuck: i dont have time outside of work! On Sunday, Priscilla and I cook. Host: Do you have any pets? Zuck: We have a dog, his name is Beast, hes a (breed)? Its extremely cute Host: Did you make a page for him? Zuck: I create a page for him, he has more than 1MM fans! Host: You and Priscilla, whos Chinese is better? Zuck: I can speak more business words. She can speak cantonese. Her listening skill is better than mine. One day i asked her, why is my listening skill so bad. She said, in english your listening is bad too! Host: We have a little more time, why dont a few students ask some questions? Q: Should i use english or chinese? Zuck: Chinese... you can also use english *laughter cause he sounds kind of hopeful* Q: [This was really hard] In the developmental stages of Facebook, which advantages in relation to other social networks did you have and what was your biggest challenge? (then she speaks english, above in english) Q: How did you decide to drop out of school? Zuck: To the second question, I was really lucky. I didnt really decide to leave. Harvard students can take time out. So when i started facebook, in the first year, i couldnt go to class and work. When i took time away I was still a harvard student. Sometimes my harvard professors would tell me, you can return! But now/today i cant return. The first question, my biggest challenge, was probably in 2012 when we wanted to become a mobile company. 2012 our entrance to that market was slow, everyone was not happy, but we made facebook become a mobile company. Now we have 11+ people use facebook on the phone. Q: From your perspective, whats the next big advance in technology? A: This year, Facebook is 10 years old. So I asked people, what should we develop? We decide to develop 3 things. 1. we want to connect the world, we want to enable the whole world to use the internet 2. we want to develop artificial intelligence. i believe computes will be better than humans at seeing, listening, speaking, so we develop 3. when everyone uses mobile phones, i believe the next platform is virtual reality. Oculus is the first product but we hope to have very many products. End shitty translation. Cc: Michael Levinson
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:38:08 +0000

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