________ Tis The Season 2 _________ Heres the second article in - TopicsExpress


________ Tis The Season 2 _________ Heres the second article in a series of several to help folks sort out the issues regarding the celebration of the Birth of Christ. Another excellent, balanced view. An excerpt: Those who repudiate the celebration of Christmas are often religious purists who attempt to establish their own spirituality and piety by rejecting anything that does not have explicit Biblical mention as unscriptural, worldly and non-Christian. In their sanctimonious and pious separationism they fail to recognize the inconsistency in their utilization of other cultural concepts and technological devices. Claiming that much of the festivity and commercialization of the season is not the celebration of Christmas, but the desecration of Christmas, some have urged that people should remember the reason for the season, and have appealed that we should not take Christ out of Christmas. Not that Christ could be taken out of Christmas for it is inherent in the name of the holiday, which will not likely be changed to Winter Gift Day. While some Christians are repudiating the celebration of Christmas altogether, there are other Christians who are demanding the right to celebrate Christmas in the public display of Christmas symbols that explicitly refer to Jesus Christ. Legal battles have been fought over the civil right to display nativity scenes in public places, and to sing carols that refer to the birth and theology of Jesus in school programs. Little do we recognize the extent of the freedom that has been afforded to Christianity in our culture. May we continue to extend the freedom to every man to worship and celebrate as he chooses. Christians themselves are free to celebrate Christmas or refrain from doing so, for Paul explained that one man esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind (Rom. 14:5,6). christinyou.net/pages/xmasceleb.html
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 21:05:29 +0000

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