a sickness spreading and start to clown and kill around it other - TopicsExpress


a sickness spreading and start to clown and kill around it other cells without any standing imminent defensive system must be work of a certain ego cells who preventing information in level of brain cells to function for the sake of conscience to control body adaptation to level with inspected issue resulting in shock, doubt, stress, leaning over genetics ideologies without personnel effort inclusive , misconduct of cells work and etc. All theses facts leave the imminent system without any alert and so clowning start to manifest from previous genes because of the nature of time process ;so a very big YES to start to think to use some morality and self restricted control over our emotions and principals to live and fulfil our personnel part of time and not to get dragged by dead ideologies visions used repeatedly in a twist of time (clowning already made his way though ) ;That all explain why certain get cure , certain struggle and other didnt made it ; Taking to account that every aspect of life start by nothing to effort to became something . cancer should be defeated sooner or later and it will
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 12:20:00 +0000

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