a thought that arises to whomever it may concern It is not the - TopicsExpress


a thought that arises to whomever it may concern It is not the average citizen who drains the water and causing CA drought. It is the big companies who unresponsively use copious amounts of water for agriculture, dairy, meat, and oil/fuel. These industries have the biggest impact on our water source. dont fight each other, your neighbor, nor-cal or so-cal, over water. We need to unite over water so all life can benefit from its life giving properties! We need to unite everyday with unstoppable fiery passion to stop corporations from drying us out, you know thats how they roll. Profit above all, including the CA citizens, and the world that counts on this lands abundance. I say we the people need to adopt, Life Above all Profit, moto. Make a difference damn it!! Do something everyday, on more than the internet forums and FB. Come alive! (its exciting to live life with a purpose/mission/ and to be a part of something bigger than oneself!! You have only fear to lose and life experiences and connections to gain) Get out and find what part of the puzzle you hold in healing our nation and world For real, dont comment on this post, go learn something to make a unified action to end oppression and greed.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 00:10:07 +0000

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