advocates. Please contact your legislators with the following - TopicsExpress


advocates. Please contact your legislators with the following questions! This questionnaire has been endorsed by the Autism Action Network, Foundation for Autism Information and Research, National Autism Association, AutismOne, Autism Media Channel, Canary Party, Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, Health Choice and the Thinking Moms’ Revolution. 1. Congress has never funded the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act at the rate promised to the states, school districts and citizens of the US when it was first passed. What will you do, or have you done, to assure this promise by Congress to the American people is kept? 2. Do you believe that the Combating Autism Act/Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support Act of 2014 provides sufficient funding, given the scope of the autism epidemic, to find the cause, or causes, of autism and effective treatments? 3. Currently, for every federal research dollar spent on finding environmental causes of autism, eight are spent on possible genetic causes. Do you think this is a reasonable allocation of scarce research dollars? 4. In the past twenty years the autism rate has gone from 1 in 10,000 children to 1 in 68. The most current data indicates a rate of 1 in 30 children are affected. Do you accept that there is an autism epidemic in the United States? 5. What will you do, or have you done, to stop health insurers from discriminating against people with autism and their families? 6. What will you do, or have you done, to assure that health insurers pay for promising new treatments and behavioral therapy? 7. What do you believe is the appropriate federal role to provide for the nearly 1,000,000 children and young people in the US with autism who will need lifelong care, especially after their parents have died? 8. Have you co-sponsored HR 1757 the Vaccine Safety Study Act? 9. In 1999 the United States Public Health Service and the American Academy of Pediatrics said that mercury should be discontinued as an ingredient in vaccines as soon as possible. Yet in 2014 mercury is used in the majority of flu shots administered in the US. Would you support federal legislation to finally end the use of mercury in US vaccines? 10. Vaccine manufacturers are protected from product liability by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which also denies vaccine-injured parties the Seventh Amendment right to a civil trial by jury, and denies discovery and other basic rights at the core of Anglo-American law. Would you support legislation to restore basic legal rights in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 14:31:19 +0000

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