allow me to clarify some questions long-time friends RL and FB - TopicsExpress


allow me to clarify some questions long-time friends RL and FB have asked me (thanks for being so polite) *ahem* I, Gil, have long been a friendly observer of various radical political activity, particularly vis-a-vis the DPRK, partitioned land of my birth, however the recent actions of a fat secular Jewish stereotype and his fey child-bothering sidekick have led me to sincerely desire to take a more active role. This is probably highly impertinent to start by elucidating a series of observations/criticisms, but babydoll, I am a five foot tall Korean exiled in Wisconsin, land of cheese and Lutheran giants, I was Born to be impertinent. 1. North Korea (The DPRK) has significant internal problems, most but not all of which are imposed from the outside, to a degree that only people groups like the Palestinians, the Kurds, the Roma/Sinti can truly emphasise with, so great and predatory the external pressures, Clearly, Im not going to pretend that the DPRK is perfect, no nation state is. However, what influence do we as westerners (or those simply living in the west), have over these impossible to ignore issues? Virtually none. However, as a matter of simple human decency, we must endeavour to work against which troubles a poor, isolated-in-more-ways-than-one nation has, insofar as we can add the stubborn ounces of our weight in sane constructive ways. 2. Though the efforts of some comrades are undoubtedly, indeed, inspiringly sincere, simply repeating KCNA communiques, tragically mangled English and all, is sadly, unlikely to appeal to the vast mass of workers and farmers who need to realise that the Korean of the species is not some undifferentiated, alien mass but rather their sisters and brothers, and that they, even in the Usa, have more common cause with the DPRK than they do with the elite predators and their bourgeois allies that are tirelessly working to lower them to the level of Gilded-Age serfdom. The question should not be one of cosmetic purity, but rather how can we communicate effectively without selling out? THAT, this tiny Korean maintains, should be the centre-piece question. We must never forget that to the broad western public, we look about as attractive as paedophiles, and that the onus to change this mistaken perception is on US, and only us. No-one is gonna do it for us. Search your feelings. You know this to be true. 3. Comrades should peacefully co-exist with each other in a wide variety of ideological colours. Certainly, no-one is above reproach, and the very real issues of alienation and sometimes outright hostility that comrades who happen to be female or LGBTQ(et,al) face seriously NEEDS to be dealt with, like yesterday. That having been said, sand-box level arguments of I Like Mao but you Like Castro, so I shall insult you with endless clever ad homs doesnt really help anyone. 4. If Comrades living in the west in days of yore called themselves Les enfants du Marx et Coca-Cola then we are the Sisters of Malala* and Red Bull. Which is to say, we are in a unique position of being able to have our cake and eat it too. We have to play to our strengths. But how? What are our strengths? Question more, condemn less. Listen more, argue when necessary. Privilege logic over emotion. But how to do this? How? 5. Who dashes in headlong, frequently gets their head bashed in. 6. *Malala is a socialist. (Google if you question) An adorable socialist. An adorable bullet-proof socialist. Like manna from heaven, and with less crumbs. 7. We have a lot of potential, but a huge task in front of us. Heres to the New Year. Itll probably get worse before it gets better. Take Heart.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 21:55:44 +0000

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