***an excerpt from an interview Ray Fadden gave that elaborates - TopicsExpress


***an excerpt from an interview Ray Fadden gave that elaborates more on the foods that Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island gave to the rest of the world*** She said “The American Indians gave corn to the world.” And that was it, as if that was the only thing the Indians ever gave. Well not only did the American Indian give corn to the world, do you know how many types of corn they developed all together? All together, the American Indians developed over 300 different kinds of corn. Over 300 kinds. Even that so-called Hybrid corn the White man boasts to have just discovered the last few years.. That was known by our Indians in Mexico over a thousand years ago. All of the beans in the entire world came from the American Indian except for two: horse and soybean, they came from China. Even that famous dish you hear so much about, Boston baked beans, was a Wampanoag Indian dish,taught to the Pilgrims by the Wampanoag Indians, and that was the first time that White folks enjoyed several dishes we enjoy today: Clam chowder, oyster stew, pumpkin pie, believe it or not, cranberry sauce, corn soup, popcorn, all of our corn, our beans, pumpkins, squash, celery, buckwheat, maple sugar,maple syrup, vanilla, chocolate, peppers, tapioca, Irish potatoes, that’s right, it didn’t come from Ireland like everyone thinks, and saved the Irish people? Yes. It saved the people of the world, but it was a gift from the American Indian. And that nation of Indians that developed the Irish potato and gave it to the world, do you know how many kinds they had? According to the National Geographic magazine, they had over 79 different varieties of Irish potatoes. Sweet potatoes is another gift of the American Indians to the world, and the young people of this country ought to be interested, even peanuts, popcorn and chewing gum were gifts of the American Indian. Pineapple didn’t come from Hawaii, pineapple came from our Central American Indians where it was brought over to Hawaii. Tapioca didn’t come from Africa, it came from our South American Indians, where it was brought over to Africa. As a matter of fact, according to agricultural scientists, American Indian food plants show a further development from their wild prototypes. (that means the plants they originally came from).Take for instance peppers and tomatoes – both a gift of the Indians to the world – Now these two plants belonged to a deadly poison family, the Nightshade family, the same plant grew in a wild state across the ocean; yet they took that plant over there and made it into one one good to eat, but our Indians did... and when they offered it to the Spaniards for the first time to eat,do you know what the Spaniards thought? They thought they were trying to poison them. Today the whole world eats peppers and tomatoes, but I bet my shirt that not one person in ten thousand knows where they came from, that they came from this land, and that they were a gift from the American Indian.According to the Museum of Arts and Science in Rochester, that’s one of the best scientific museums in this country, one nation of Indians, the Inca Indians of Peru, originated, developed and gave to the world more agricultural food plants now in use today than all of the European peoples put together. Think of it: All of them put together! French, Scots, Irish, Russians, Germans, Polish, Italians, Czechs, all of them combined didn’t give as much as that one Indian nation did. Now if that isn’t a wonderful gift to today’s civilization, I would like to know what is. And why they don’t put these things in their school books when they’re studying about Indians, I’d like to know why not also. It wasn’t just agricultural food plants that the Indians gave the world, look at the medicines that came from the American Indian...
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 19:49:56 +0000

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