ancon Some constants characterizing the two thousand year - TopicsExpress


ancon Some constants characterizing the two thousand year history of the city: first, the relationship with the sea, then a special attachment to freedom and independence, which led to repeated sieges, eventually a disregard for territorial expansion. Ultimately, Ancona was a city that is often defended with energy, you do not ever engaged in wars of conquest, and devoted his best energies to navigation and port operations. This unity of purpose often allowed the population to overcome the special interests; therefore the social conflicts that during some periods characterized the history of other cities were never significant. Contrary to what happens in other regions, Ancona is the capital of the region is not dominated in any era because the surrounding area (the March of Ancona was a reality more geographical than political), but because, besides being always the most important center, has in its history, the most obvious example of the spirit of autonomy and independence typical of all towns in the Marche, a region characterized by its plurality. Ancient period [edit | edit source] The first settlements were built in the Bronze Age; Later, during the Iron Age, Ancona was a village Piceno [15]. It became a city in 387 BC [16] In that year a group of Greeks from Syracuse, exiles from the tyranny of Dionysius, eager to restore democracy and attracted by the large natural harbor, founded the city [17] on the hill now called Guasco; on top of the hill was built the Acropolis with the temple dedicated to Aphrodite [18] [19]. Upon arrival of the Romans in the Marche Ancona went through a period of transition between the Greek and Roman civilizations. From 113 B.C. Ancona can now be said to be Roman city, and Rome held for the function of the port is open to the East; why the emperor Trajan expanded the port.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:19:53 +0000

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