asolanomed.myasealive/ Why is ASEA a scientific breakthrough? - TopicsExpress


asolanomed.myasealive/ Why is ASEA a scientific breakthrough? What are redox signaling molecules? ASEA is an international biotech company that has developed a huge scientific breakthrough! After 16 years of research and 31 patents, ASEA Corporation created ASEA, which contains redox signaling molecules. The body makes its own supply of redox signaling molecules, but a variety of factors can inhibit their production and efficiency. At birth, the body has a complete supply of redox signaling molecules, so when children experience health issues, they often recover quickly. But over time, environmental factors, health challenges, and everyday stress places a lot of pressure on the immune system and causes it to underperform, leading to additional health challenges. Each decade the body produces 8% fewer redox signaling molecules, which leaves the body more vulnerable to disease and illness. Redox signaling molecules protect, repair and replace damaged cells in the body. To replenish the body’s supply of native redox signaling molecules, there is only one source: ASEA. Once the inventory of redox signaling molecules in the body is restored, cellular efficiency improves which enhances the efficiency of all other supplements and food consumed. This enables significant health improvements to take place. ASEA Corporation originally developed ASEA redox signaling molecules as an anti-aging product. After ASEA was launched over 4 years ago, the athletes started drinking ASE and experienced dramatic improvements in athletic performance and recovery. Personally, I noticed that after drinking ASEA for 90 days, my symptoms reduced from 28 to 9! I also reduced the number of supplements my body needed from 30 to 7 a day! Remarkable shifts in my energy, sleep, digestion and mood! I feel 10 years younger! See video links on science behind ASEA redox signaling molecules: ASEA Product Overview: Why are redox signaling molecules a breakthrough? player.vimeo/video/30104796?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=2DA9E1 Emerging Science of Healing: Redox Biochemistry, Dr Rob Ward, MD, ASEA Scientific Advisory Board drrobwebinar/ ASEA Science Call/Blog: The Science of Redox Biochemistry, Dr Gary Samuelson, PhD, Medical Atomic Physicist Science Conference Call Saturdays 11amEST Dial in: 641.715.3842 Access code: 4727726# aseascience.blogspot/ ASEA is ordered online at each distributor’s website. See my ASEA website here: asolanomed.teamasea/ See attachments of scientific studies: ASEA Verification Procedure for Reactive Molecules – What is complex proprietary electrochemical process that reduces and oxidizes the base saline solution, resulting in an equilibrium of several known reactive molecules ASEA Antioxidant Efficiency Study – Enhances effectiveness of antioxidants, particularly glutathione, SOD & catalase by 500% ASEA Redox Signaling Molecules Helps Cardiovascular System – Dr Gary Samuelson examines impact on cardiovascular system
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 23:06:34 +0000

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