[being a High school student is a very unique school days that - TopicsExpress


[being a High school student is a very unique school days that have been experience by the 1990 classes. and this story had given an inspiration to Patricia who died last Dec.26th 08 ] It was late November 28th 1988 when the story begins.. its was a very rainy day.. but its not an obstacle for Patricia to come to school. because its her first day to enter High school life.. Oh its 9am OMG!! Its raining and Im damn late! Patricia whispered on a very tiring voice. She prepare very quick in order to reach the class.. after she prepared her self, she immediately went to school.... Fortunately, the teacher was in a good mood, thats why she didnt get any detentions.. Finally, the teacher ask her to introduce her self to the class.. even how ashamed she is, she did introduced her self. Hi, Im Patricia your new student. hope we get along fine guys. she said. Okay Patricia you may take your sit. where am i supposed to sit maam ? she ask. Hmm. you can sit beside Carlo the teacher said. Patricia get a little weirdo and wondering about the guy next to her. And she decided to talk to that guy in a friendly way.. Hi I am Patriciashe said. Yeah I know, You already introduced your self In front of the class arent you? he reply with a soft gentlemen voice. Yeah I know. Im wondering if you could Introduce your self and.. and. Oh. sorry , Btw Im Carlo and suddenly the period time is finished. and all of the student from that room are out for a recess. Patricia went out also, but she noticed that Carlo didnt went out. she previewed the room and she saw Carlo. and she decided to be with him for a minute.. But that minute turns to.. everyday recess.. they talk to much, they shared so many things and probably became lovers. They became a very good couple and has a strong relationship. One day, under the tree they talk about what will happen after 10years..Patricia says that after 10years she will marry Carlo, and Carlo promises it too. they make a big promise because they love each other, they care, and thats the thing called FOREVER Patricia, has cancer, a blood going out from her heart that can never be treated. She make it as a secret to Carlo. after a week, Carlo lost his sight of Patricia .. Patricia is lost. Carlo didnt even know what happen, why did Patricia disappear without notes, without anything.. But theres only one promise left to be done.. Carlo decided to find Patricia, he try to searh her but not even a little information found.. after 5months searching her. Carlos parents decided to bring him to the U.S to study for his course. Carlo has nothing to do so he decided to go U.S and study.. After 10 years. Patricia came back to that place and searching for Carlo, she has decided to make her promise to be done.. her disease is not yet being treated she just decided to see carlo and tell him that she didnt forget him after those years. and he still the one who win her heart. but suddenly she found out that Carlo has left that place 9years ago and study to U.S .. Patricia lost her hope to find Carlo. and that thoughts hurts Patricias feeling. she run and run and run until a car hit her. and she end up in the hospital, she didnt get to much on that accident. the doctor viewed her records.. it was Patricia Javier.. the Doctor has shocked. because he knows this name, this girl, this face... and again the Doctor view her records and he foundout that Patricia has a disease that cannot be treated. Thats why she disappear many years. Patricia woke up. and wondering where is she. the Doctor tell her thats she alright. Patricia remember the soft gentlemen voice.. who are you ? she said with a very understandable voice .. the doctor said I am Carlo who used to be with you every recess time when we are still in high school he said. Patricia was afraid because Carlo might not forgive her. Ca- Carlo , I know I disappeared so many years. without letting you know.. she said. its okay. After that day, Carlo decided to leave work for months just to take care of Patricia. Suddenly, Carlos parents has decided to have a arrange marriage. And Carlo couldnt say no. So, he went to hospital , take care of Patricia, he still loves her, still wants her back.. but destiny wouldnt allow him.. Patricia came because of the promise they hold on.. but suddenly Carlo are getting married. and Carlo tell her. Im getting married. he said. i came back not only because of that promise i came back because i love you Patricia said with a teary eyes. Carlo has nothing to do .. but its ok if your not gonna make the promise, because i dont have the strength to make that promise to be done, Im weak, and nearly to death. because of this stupid disease. she said with crying voice. Im getting married tomorrow. he said. and he left the room. he is so hurt. so, messy mind. dont know what to think.. [the wedding day] [ Patricias last day of being alive] As Carlo walk to the church, with a very confused mind, he wished.. that Patricia is the girl who will grab his hand forever.. when priest started to say the lines Carlo run and went to the hospital .. and started to look for Patricia.. he found her. Why are you here? Patricia whispered. Carlo coudnt help it anymore. he kissed Patricia and says ILOVEYOU Are you crazy? Im gonna die.. even though i wanted to stay alive i couldnt Patricia said. Carlo take her hand and wear the ring. Were Married .... Patricia died that day... They are already husband and wife..... PROMiSES ARE FOREVER Repost by :> Erron Jae ♥
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 13:58:03 +0000

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