being a bruin ou in some fora * i had this very exhilarating - TopicsExpress


being a bruin ou in some fora * i had this very exhilarating experience as i was served a banning order served by the internet Klu Klux Klan. It is amazing how much people get upset when you point out the crime of apartheid; being bi-racial (whatever that means) makes it even worse. It seems that if you carry a name like snyman and you sort of arent as dark as the darkies then you must automatically be a racist sympathiser and praise singer of the oppressor. being a bruin ou has a number of challenges as well as uniquei you are automaticaly one of their prsies experiences. Our white brothers and sisters automatically assume that because you arent Zulu or Xhosa that by default you have no right to question their oppression of the masses. Why i wonder .. injustice is injustice no matter who does it moreover they form gangs and accuse you of racism .. racism how becomes the question.. if it apartheid was a racist exercise conducted by whites then who exactly do you accuse for the said people? The mindset of the racist beneficiary of Apartheid is mind boggling and at times really funny but by the same token there is racism by my bruin brothers and sisters and they too must be held to account and held up in the spotlight. Is this the only the :bruin ou no ..... we also have our Uncle Toms who refuse to question the status quo but would just bow their heads like good little natives who ask no questions and just buy the rubbish and regurgitate it for their masters. .Its time to ask the hard questions and not be afraid to irrespective of who gets offended. The one defence that these perpetrators use is that black people as victims must just move on but how do we all move on when our feet have been cut and our lands stolen. This kind of response is really rubbish and is not the kind that is conducive to us healing as a nation. The other point that is focused on is the fact that we are a people of mixed heritage and thus we dont seem to have the legitimate right to question their wrongs; this is utter rubbish that is just a smoke screen to cover their crimes any and everyone has the right to question a wrong. Now i wont deny that these are my cousins just as the Zulus are my cousins but that does not in any manner raise any expectations that we should be their defenders or apologists; the messed up and they must face the music. Sometimes one just has to laugh at the absurdity of this racial oppression. My family runs from the whitest of the white to the blackest of the black and i love them all but along comes my white cousins claiming superiority yet they look more like my darker cousins than they choose to admit. Whenever i see an Afrikaner with wavy hair who looks more bruin ou than me i think uh oh someone was really crazy somewhere in the past and is now denying it. But in the final analysis does it matter .. no it doesnt matter its not about colour or genes its about justice and injustice so to all my Zulu and Afrikaner cousins we need to meet each other somewhere and begin a constructive dialogue that separates the sincere from the insincere and take those who are honest and sincere and start building this nation; the others one asks... they can leave and take our crooked politicians with them rassool snyman The Poetic Assassin
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:40:06 +0000

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