being martial artist is not just about techniques, it is about - TopicsExpress


being martial artist is not just about techniques, it is about training your mind. just read this. a few excepts on mind over matter: “I always train with better wrestlers than me, better boxers than me, better jujitsu guys than me. When you train with people who are better than you, it keeps challenging you. By challenging me it makes me better. It makes you better develop your skills than someone who is always training with the same people over and over again... I don’t train by just boxing, or just wrestling. I train more MMA, and what I mean by that is I make training partners come here and I mix all the training together, like kickboxing, submission, takedown on the ground, to really give me the reflex and the momentum for the fight... I started with karate, some people are very successful in wrestling, some others in tae kwon do… There isn’t a better style — that’s a lie. There is better person but not a better style. Karate was the perfect sport for me to start with, but maybe for another person it would be kung fu or judo. It all depends on what you love to do. If you’re good at it, it’s because you love what you’re doing... Carry a brick for one day and it’s not so bad. At first it’s not heavy. But if you carry it on your back every day, every single minute of your life, it’s going to get heavy. So you better get rid of it and look for what’s important to you...
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:05:58 +0000

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