black book of leicester cults-town.sos leicester reporters media - TopicsExpress


black book of leicester cults-town.sos leicester reporters media need to invg local leicester goverment useing cults for back scattering morgellons fibers DNA-link-rny body is covered in cults evil back scattering fibers particals metal GOLD-Particals play big part in the compund life lines on parm ie line like a track for cults particals fibers melting at diffrent temps police no this is happening as they watch this evil from behind as cult scatter from the front as i sit on a police st bench in the grounds of the ie braunstone police st leicester uk how they watch i canont beleave as this expermenting in public is disgraceful to any human and its wrong i beleave they are protecting the old school who in the passed as done deals and some have gained Power with L.C.C.Where cult started in the late 60s i beleave and now have big EU-Followers ie LE1-3PL.ROAD-WORKS JOINT FUNDED EU-L.C.C.ALSO NUMBER 80 HUMBERSTONE GATE EAST EXPERMENTING ON HUMANS ALSO INSECTS OWNER c-t.lofts ltd leice
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 12:13:28 +0000

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