#bringbackourgirls LATEST UPDATE>I had intended to post this - TopicsExpress


#bringbackourgirls LATEST UPDATE>I had intended to post this update earlier than this but its contents would have helped the nigeria goverment of goodlock jonathan remake its planned media propaganda meeting with the section of the abducted chibok girls, their parents n community leaders which helped stage the abduction of the first batch of the abducted chibok school girls in exchange for a promise of money. Followers of my anti crimes posts which began after nigerian military went on the media n lied to the world declaring the still kidnapped girls as having already been rescued already by the nigerian miltary n delivered safely home to their parents will agree that I wrote about three groups of abducted teenage school girls in the alleged terrorist school girls kidnappi. the nigerian town of chibok. The first goup were the original girl victim of alleged terrorist abduction. The second group were the gov spies which helped plan the alleged kidnapp in exchage for money promises.This group, their parents n community crime partners which were originaly intended to be used as proof that thr nigeria military had rescued the kidnapped girls would be used for the latest media appearance with the nigeria president goodlock jonathan. The third group of the alleged terrorist kidnapp were the last batch of chibok school girls added to the original crime victims to infiltrate them, n be released with them to contradict the stories of their ordeal n lead the EU,UN,US n nigerian activist propaganda as well funded spies. The latest planned media propaganda media appearance of the nigeria president goodlock jonathan is part of the ongoing scam in which crime suspects are paraded as crime victims in a cruel programe of torture n emotional horror intended to reward crime suspects n cover up the fact that after over one of their alleged terrorist kidnap, the original chibok school girls are still in terrorist captivity without hope of an early release except the nigeria gov bribes the terrorist machinery with one bilion american dollars which will also benefit the terrorist girl agents, their parents n leaders which helped stage the teen girls abduction
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 19:49:59 +0000

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