by Maureen Moss about 2014: NEW WORLD PUJA NETWORK From Maureen - TopicsExpress


by Maureen Moss about 2014: NEW WORLD PUJA NETWORK From Maureen Moss February 2014 In This Issue: 1. 2014: Life As We Have Never Known It Is About To Begin 2. Status of The New World Puja Network 3. “Thrive” Dearest Hearts, In 2004 when I was ‘given’ the words to write “Commitment To Love: Transforming Human Nature Into Divine Nature,” two sentences continued to play like a melody in the background of my mind this past 10 years. The first, “we are heroes living in a transition stage,” and second, “life as we have known it is over.” Both have proven to be true. We haven’t yet gotten to “life, as we have never known it is about to begin,” though we are poised on the fast track to discover that to be true, as well. 2014 Promises To Make That So It has been said by one that 2014 will be “The Year of The Great Unraveling” and by another, it will be a “Year of Tough Love.” Either or both could be daunting or exhilarating, depending upon our perspectives of the spiritual and magical powers in and through All of Creation. In stillness, I have played with the perspectives of each from both sides of the coin. In moments Ive been subject to fear (my mind) giving way to deep sighs of relief (my heart.) The God of my being reminds me that the human nature was destined to be provoked into its liberation. Mighty Shifts This year we are at the pinnacle of the Great Change. A wider berth will be given to either fully wake up or sleep through the event we came to Life for. There are Mighty shifts, interruptions and terminations along with Mighty birthings and blessings that will occur simultaneously internally and externally throughout this year, and into the next, that may appear to obstruct or challenge us at deeper levels than previously experienced. Through it all, if you focus on ‘the awareness of the blessings,’ you will notice your human nature, with its tendencies, fading ever deeper into your background, as you begin to feel your true life (and all of Life) move like a great wave beneath you, preparing to erupt within you. Breathe and move with the wave. It knows where to take you. Throughout 2014 you will notice the human patterns to struggle and persevere day to day are finally pushed past the edge of human logic, as conditions are ripened and heightened for each one of us to ‘go beyond the push,’ and experience freedom, abundance, and sovereignty, beyond our greatest imaginings. The path of each is both virgin and wild. Our ‘ask’ is to surrender to the internal and external Divine currents of convergence, conclusion and cleansing, and through each, allow ourselves to flow into fearless states of Master consciousness. Pay close attention, moment to moment, to your heart and intuition. They are more accurate than you think. My friend Matt Kahn reminds many to say this blessing (or lullaby, as he calls it) out loud to your magnificent Self several times each day, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” These three magic words, this blessing, when spoken aloud frequently and in full consciousness resets your DNA, exponentially raises your frequency, clarifies who you truly are, reminds you how to treat yourself and paves the way into the frequency field and harmonics required for 5th dimensional living. 2014 Holds The Potential To Be The Greatest Blessing In Disguise, Ever. Copyright 2014, Maureen Moss. If you would like to reprint or share this please do. I ask only that you keep its content fully intact along with name and website maureenmoss
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 02:42:25 +0000

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