call upon his people to abandon their old lives and beliefs for - TopicsExpress


call upon his people to abandon their old lives and beliefs for new ones? Also, if he were a false prophet, why did he suffer through all of the hardships that his people imposed upon him? And why, when his people offered to accept him as their king and to lay all the riches of the land at his feet, if only he would cease and desist, did he refuse to do so? Why did he continue to preach Islam in the face of all kinds of insults, social boycott, and even physical assault by his own people? Was it not only Gods support, along with his firm will, to disseminate the Islamic revelation and his deep-rooted belief that ultimately Islam would emerge as the sole universal religion, that he refused to be cowed and swayed by any of the opposition and plots launched against him by his enemies? Furthermore, if he intended to use Islam as a rival religion against Judaism and Christianity, why did he make belief in Jesus Christ, Moses, and all of the other prophets of God a basic requirement of the Islamic faith? Is it not an incontrovertible proof of his prophethood that, despite being unlettered and having led a very normal and quiet life for forty years, that all of Arabia stood in awe and wonder of his wonderful eloquence and oratory when he began to preach Islam? It was so matchless that legions of Arab poets, preachers, and orators of the highest caliber failed to produce a composition that could compare with or equal it. And, above all, how could he state scientific truths that would not be known by to the rest of humanity for centuries and that he could not learn about in any other way except through divine revelation? Last but not least, why did he lead an even harder life after gaining power and authority? Just ponder the words he uttered when he was dying: We, the community of the Prophets, do not inherit. All that we leave is for charity Consider what others have said about this extraordinary man: If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modem history with Muhammad? The most famous men created arms, laws and empires only They founded, if anything at all, no more than material powers which often crumbled away before their eyes This man moved not only armies, legislation, empires, peoples and dynasties, but
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 00:17:22 +0000

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