continiue page 2 HIS PATIENCE : He was a person with great - TopicsExpress


continiue page 2 HIS PATIENCE : He was a person with great patience. After the Battle of Karbala, HE was marched to Damascus in chains and in the time of Abdul Malik bin Marwan , he was arrested and chained. He was then forced to walk from Madinah to Syria in chains. With all this, he never complained or said one word about his condition in the Court of Allah . He instead remained patient and made Shukr (thanked Allah ) on every step. Imam Zain al-Abideens most loyal student Sayyiduna Imam Zuhri could not bear to see the Imam in this condition, so he went to Abdul Malik bin Marwaan, and had the great Imam released. He then took him back to Madinah Shareef with great respect. [Khazinat al-Asfiyah, Vol.1, Page 31/32] Hadrat Imam Zain al-Abideen had a very soft heart and always thought of the sacrifice that was given by his Father Imam Hussain and all the other Martyrs on the plains of Karbala. Once, he was walking in the blessed streets of Madinah Munawwarah, when he saw a person placing a goat on the ground, and was sharpening the knife before making the animal zibah. On seeing this, he became very saddened and thought of the martyrdom of his father. He then began to weep bitterly and asked the man, “My dear Brother! Did you give the goat some food and water or not?”The man replied that he had fed and given water to the goat for the past three days and had also fed it water just before laying in down. On hearing this, Hadrat Imam Zain al-Abideen let out a sigh of pain and said, “It is sad, that the people of Kufa did not even care for him like (you care for) the goat. They starved him for three days and nights and then martyred him in this state.” [Masaalik as-Saalikeen] He used to perform one thousand rakaats of nafil salaah every night. One night whilst he was performing his nafils, his house caught on fire. The people were rushing around trying to put of the fire, but he continued his Namaaz with total sincerity. After he completed his salaah, the people told him that his house had caught on fire and yet he continued reading his salaat (Namaaz) without any showing any sign of panic. He said, “You were trying to extinguish this fire, and I was trying to extinguish the fire of the hereafter.” [Khazinat al-Asfiyah, Vol.1, Page 31] A person once swore at Imam Zain al-Abideen (Radi ALLAHu Taala Anho) and made slanderous remarks to him. In response, Imam Zain al-Abideen (Radi ALLAHu Taala Anho) said to him: If the attributes, you accuse me of, are found in me then I repent to Allah Azzawajal and ask for forgiveness. If the attributes are not found in me then on your behalf I ask Allah Azzawajal for forgiveness and repentance. The person saw Imam Zain al-Abideens patience and was overwhelmed by it. He stood up, kissed Imam Zain al-Abideen (Radi ALLAHu Taala Anho) on the forehead and said: May my soul be sacrificed for you! Whatever I accused you of was wrong. I seek forgiveness from you and I request you to pray to Allah Azzawajal for the acceptance of my repentance. Imam Zain al-Abideen (Radi ALLAHu Taala Anho) agreed to pray to Allah Azzawajal on his behalf. HIS IBAADAT: After the shahaadat of his blessed father Imam Hussain (Radi ALLAHu Taala Anho), he completely divorced himself from the materialistic world. He spent all his time in the remembrance of Allah. He would pass his days and nights thinking of the tragedy of Karbala and weeping. When Hadrat Imam Zain al-Abideen (Radi ALLAHu Taala Anho) used to sit down to perform wudhu, then his face used to become pale, and when he stood in Namaaz, then his complexion would change to such an extent, that it would be difficult to recognise him. The people would ask, O Beloved of the Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam)! What has happened to you?and he said, O People! Namaaz is a time when you are present in the Court of Allah. Who is so naive as to smile and look happy, when he is standing before his Creator. [Awaarif al-Maarif, Page 475] He used to perform one thousand rakaats of nafil salaah every night. One night whilst he was performing his nafils, his house caught on fire. The people were rushing around trying to put of the fire, but he continued his Namaaz with total sincerity. After he completed his salaah, the people told him that his house had caught on fire and yet he continued reading his Namaaz without any showing any sign of panic. He said, You were trying to extinguish this fire, and I was trying to extinguish the fire of the hereafter. [Khazinat al-Asfiyah, Vol.1, Page 31] Imam Talha Shafii (Radi ALLAHu Taala Anho) writes that once shaitaan appeared in the form of a snake whist the Imam was in Salaah. He caught the toe of Hadrat Imam Zain al-Abideen in his mouth, but the Imam did not even move or show sign of discomfort. After some time, he became disillusioned and stood a distance away from the Imam. Then, a voice was heard thrice, saying the following words, You are the Jewel of the Worshipper, You are the Chief of those who prostrate (to Allah).
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 05:35:49 +0000

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