*continuation* TSATSU TSIKATA: FIVE YEARS ON — HIS MERCIES NEVER FAIL. ......By the time I ended up at the Cardio-thoracic centre that night, rumours had begun to circulate that I was dead! Throughout my journey that Sunday I was deeply touched by the urgent professional attention given to me by all the doctors and other medical staff that I came into contact with. There was compassion as well. At the Korle Bu Cardio-thoracic Centre, particularly, there was a level of professionalism shown that was clearly comparable to medical standards anywhere in the world. I continually thanked God for all these people who were doing all they could for me. Not only doctors at the centre itself but also specialists in Korle Bu rallied round to ensure I had the best possible care that I needed to stay alive. A professor who had taken care of me previously and who was out of the country when I was first admitted, came to join the team as soon as he returned to Ghana. I have been amazed by the number of people I have met since that time who told me that they prayed for me during that period. The compassion and solidarity that were shown to me throughout the country and also from abroad were really overwhelming and humbling. Indeed, the group of men and women who regularly came to court during my appearances from prison and sang a song –“Tsatsu, God Dey Ooooh, Tsatsu, God Dey Oooh….” - will forever have a place in my heart. The “Free Tsatsu Campaign” had so many volunteers throughout the country who devoted time and resources to seeking my freedom. Two stalwarts of the campaign, my brother-in-law, Dr. James Edward Cobbah, and Professor Abeeku Brew-Hammond, are no longer with us. They are very much in my thoughts today. I am really indebted to so many people, including some I may not know and have never met, for their sacrifices on my behalf. I know those months in prison were months of blessing and I thank God for them. A pastor who I had never met, Pastor Jones Owusu-Adjei from Asamankese, came to preach at the prison United Church the first Sunday after my imprisonment. He chose two texts for his sermon, one from Genesis 50: 20 – Joseph saying to his brothers, “You meant it for evil but God meant it for good ..” and Romans 8:18 – “For I consider that our present sufferings are nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed in us….” These were clearly meant for me! His sermon about God’s master plan in our lives which no one can stand in the way of was a powerful word to me that first Sunday in prison. The young lady who ministered a song before he preached also made a remark just before she sang which was meant for me: “You are in the right place at the right time”! I was in no doubt of God’s hand at work in all I went through and learnt in that period. As I cast my mind back to this day five years ago, the song of worship on my heart is: “GREAT IS YOUR MERCY TOWARDS ME YOUR LOVING KINDNESS TOWARDS ME YOUR TENDER MERCIES I SEE DAY AFTER DAY FOREVER FAITHFUL TOWARDS ME ALWAYS PROVIDING FOR ME GREAT IS YOUR MERCY TOWARDS ME GREAT IS YOUR GRACE”. Esther and I continue to praise God for His faithfulness that was displayed so wonderfully to us during that time. We can say with the psalmist: “I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself…..” (Psalm 89:1,2) The words of a modern Psalm of worship, composed by our own Danny Nettey, which ministered to me during those months, sum up how I felt in the months following June 18, 2008, and how I still feel. Each night, while I was in the Intensive Care Unit at the Cardio-thoracic centre, Esther would sing it for me many times over, as I kept signalling I needed to hear it again, before she left my bedside. “I WILL WORSHIP YOU, I WILL WORSHIP YOU, LIFT YOU HIGH ABOVE THE EARTH AND THE HEAVENS YOU ARE LORD, YOU ARE LORD, YES, YOU ARE!” “Praise Breaks Chains” is our expression of continuing adoration and devotion to the mighty God we serve. What a privilege to share in the experience of Paul and Silas and to know that praise, indeed, breaks chains! Our Mid –Year Praise event on Saturday, June 29, 2009, 6.30 pm at the Kama Conference Centre, Ring Road, Accra, will not just be in commemoration of June 18, 2008, but, more importantly, is intended to encourage others to know that whatever chains need to be broken in our lives can be broken through praise and worship of the God we serve – A LIVING GOD!! All are invited to come. “Praise Breaks Chains” indeed!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 09:12:13 +0000

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