coool..... In the Heliopolis creation myth the creator deity - TopicsExpress


coool..... In the Heliopolis creation myth the creator deity is Atum, or Atum-Ra, later identified simply as Ra. Ra created two children, a male, Shu (air) and his sister Tefnut (moisture). Shu and Tefnut in turn produced Geb (the earth) and his sister Nut (the sky). The children of Geb and Nut were Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys. Between them they were known as the Heliopolis Ennead (or nine). Geb and Nut were forced apart by their father Shu to produce the sky above, the earth below, and the air and moisture between them – the realm of living humans. In a version of the creation myth dating back to the Old Kingdom Pyramid Texts, Shu and Tefnut became lost in the Primeval Sea. Ra sent his eye to search for them. When the Eye returned she was so grieved to see that Ra has replaced her with a new eye that she shed tears. Her tears gave birth to humanity. Thereafter, when the eye goddess was at Ra’s side, she took the form of a serpent coiled on the deity’s forehead, poised to fight his enemies, now known as the uraeus and best known from the Eighteenth Dynasty golden mask of Tutankhamun, although images of the uraeus are known from as early as the First Dynasty. The Eye of Ra was always able to leave Ra, to act as a servant of the god Ra in the form of an eye goddess.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 03:10:17 +0000

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