during the revolutionary war, the soldiers were tired, freezing, - TopicsExpress


during the revolutionary war, the soldiers were tired, freezing, hungry, some were wounded, their bloody frost bitten feet wrapped in cloths, they went on to fight why FREEDOM thier own country, their children and their grand children would not grow up under tyranny or a dictator, or under a king, but have a government, OF THE PEOPLE , BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE, this new exciting idea of being free and a government that the people had a real say in, and the freedoms that were sought after, thought only to be a dream, now are becoming close to be a reality, a lot more battles, more wounded, more dying, very cold nights, and hunger, sickness, lack of supplies, ammunition, they pressed on for in their minds they could see the victory, and their independence, Betsey ross sewed our flag 13 stars representing the thirteen colonies (states) that broke away from England, fransis scot key wrote the star spangled banner it must have been greatest sight in the world to see the flag, and her star spangled banner, it must have made the chest of those soldiers exspand in pride, much like Patrick henrys famous words, give me liberty, or give me death or the ride of paul reveer or the those who wrote the constitution, the bill of rights, or the declaration of independence, those who signed it knew they were sign their death warrants, with each stroke of the pen, but they could see freedom, for them and their children, and their children, for many years to come that this nation should not perish from the earth, they were not cowards, they fought every inch of the way, they loved this land, they loved the idea of freedom, that many of them died to get it and to keep and preserve it, today all americans are facing many threats to that freedom, those who are trying to destroy America from within its borders, terrorists trying to destroy us, presidential and congressional leaders refusing to listen to the American people, continue their fighting among themselves, programs and laws that hurt more than they help, and the wars that have taken their toll on each and every American as our fore fathers did no matter the hardships we need to fight and fight back hard, dont for get those who gave us this freedom and this great nation dont let any one take it away GOD BLESS AMERICA , nexted time you see our flag go by, I hope and pray you swell up with pride and get a great big lump in your throat, or when you hear our star spangled banner the pride gets bigger, the lump in your throat gets bigger and you get a tear in your eye because of what that flag means, now fight for your freedoms get that pride back,find the song I m proud to be an American remember we have freedom lets fight to keep it, the obamas the bidens . the Clintons,the terrorists, we will let no one take it away other people, other countries want the freedom that we got, dont take it for granted, that freedom cost a great price lets keep it.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 23:12:31 +0000

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