evening friends. My apologies for not posting as of late. Ive had - TopicsExpress


evening friends. My apologies for not posting as of late. Ive had a lot of things going on. Potential new job, plus my 2 current jobs and then theres the 2 super energetic boys of mine. Me and the wife have decided to start leaving the smart devices at the door in the evenings, so that we engage in our childrens lives more. I urge you to take a step outside from time to time and see how much time you spend on those things rather than human interaction. As for recent headlines; Yes, I have been watching Ebola intently and as a parent of 2 boys, I am very concerned! Real leadership would, at the very least, stop flights to and from that region, while simultaneously closing the border completely. Then again, we dont have real leadership do we? It has not only reared its ugly head in the homeland, but it seems to be popping up randomly all over the country (kind of like those illegal immigrant kids) The theres ISIS and our not war war. What ever happened to just declaring war on people?? Its always some half-assed effort to not be war. Heres a hint, dropping bombs on people with F-22 Raptors is WAR, and thats OK because ISIS is deserving of all the hellfire we can rain down on them. But enough with the no boots on the ground BS we all know that theres already boots on the ground and that there will be more before long, and thats OK because ISIS deserves our boots on their necks! I dont like war, and dont like going to war. Then again, I dont like going to the doctor either but sometimes its necessary. But If were going to deploy resources to attack an enemy, why not go ALL IN? Our leadership has been pretty timid about these beheadings since they havent been americans. I wonder if the next victim will conjure a more potent response since the prisoner in question is not only American, Hes an Army Ranger. Id like to think that the Rangers would take action ( and may already have). anyways Its October already! are you vetting your candidates?? All mine suck..LOL I get to chose between a commie democrat or a member of the republican wing of the democratic party. DB
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 03:08:05 +0000

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