every generation after his dream murdered his dream! You run - TopicsExpress


every generation after his dream murdered his dream! You run around ignorantly calling each other out your names and allow the laws to look at us like we are worthles. He had a dream that we would be an educated race that would take its rightful place on the throne of humanity! Black children dying in the streets and you allow them to do this. We have no one to blame but ourselves for todays society! Your parenting skills suck your teaching your children how to be ratchet and ghetto yeah you. The majority of you are reading this say oh no not me but its most likely you! You dont want to be free cause if you did the only road to freedom of thought is through becoming an educated man or woman! But you allow your children to drop out of school t become apart of a society already broken then you expect them to stand on thier own with out knowledge of life or survival skills. You dont think before you speak you speak before you think! the only way to change this society is by doing what needs to be done that means whoopin your child when they do wrong that means standing over them while they finish thier homework that means whoopin that ass when they disrespect there elders that means taking responcibility for the little heathens your breeding! Fix the dream you know what to do but refuse to do it. You say its ignorant to share these fights and shootings on FB but its the only way the truth reaches the masses. Mainstream media does nt allow you to hear the truth atleast on FB you get the truth anbefore it can be changed and or deleted from these post!!! Sad society of Brothers and sisters lost forever open your eyes and wake up or close them and die!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 09:29:10 +0000

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