**face Of Opposition In Nigeria** ...and dear friends; it beats - TopicsExpress


**face Of Opposition In Nigeria** ...and dear friends; it beats my imagination what really those who lay claims to being in opposition party in Nigeria plans to do differently if elected into office. Now lets assume Buhari is the face Of the opposition party in Nigeria, and taking into consideration that he has been elevated to such an impeccable height and given a messiahs garment to put on no doubt. However what remains to be seen is the manifesto that hell sale to Nigerians to convince us to vote for him to enable him salvage the rudderless ship of state{according to them}. Few months to election the only manifesto Ive heard the opposition as represented by Buhari is to come in and throw looters into jail. Accepted that corruption is indeed one of the serious canker-worms devouring our corporate healthy existence as a nation, but the threat of throwing looters into jail if elected alone cannot guarantee the candidacy of Buhari. I believe its high time the opposition party in Nigeria jettison this market women style approach to the issue of governance and get down to the serious business of selling their ideology and manifestos to the citizenry thats assuming theyve got any. Now back to the issue of throwing corrupt persons to into jail if elected as president, Ill simply say that the protagonists of this theory certainly mistake a Buhari as a military dictator to a Buhari as civilian president. Sincerely if mistakingly Buhari wins as president{which i strongly doubt}, Im seeing him frustrated out of office, or better put sidelined, if the administration is to see to the end of its tenure. The Buhari IVE taken time to observe for sometime now seems to me a kind of man that cant operate well in a democratic environment. Should he get into office hell then understand the true meaning of separation of power, that way he gets to know first hand what it means to seek approval for most things before theyre done in a democratic setting. Now the Buhari who is used to dishing out orders as a military junta and its carried out will meet a stiff resistance in what is called law and order, which involves fundamental rights of the citizens, hell be made to understand that you dont just throw people into jail because you want to, rather because the law finds them guilty. Looking closely at the life style of Buhari since he retired as a military man and left public office, Im really not seeing a man who has improved or learnt pretty much on how best to improve and become even more relevant to society in retirement. Beside angling to rule Nigeria all there years, Ive really not seen or heard any nationalistic venture embarked upon by Buhari since he left office. Ive not seen him contributing substantially to any national or international initiative for the betterment of society. Consequently I keep asking myself does it mean that becoming the president of Nigeria is the only project Buhari will be good at? Im weary to ask further the logic in always going a borrowing before successfully completing any of his set objectives both private and public ventures. He borrowed to build houses, he borrows to meet up with his political obligations. Im simply concerned genuinely not really playing politics here, does it mean Buhari with such followers cannot garner the goodwill for his followers to buy into his vision and key into his political project financially or he doesnt have among his followers upright persons whose sources of wealth are not questionable. Sincerely my aparthy towards a Buhari candidacy cum presidency is the fact that I find it hard to believe that one who cannot improve on himself have what it takes to improve others. I stand to be corrected Buhari does not strike me like a better alternative to the present occupant of Aso-Rock, we just dont have to replace a today with a yesterday, its a sure sign of retrogression. Feel free to comment. Shalom
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:23:34 +0000

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