fact based proof that anyone saying prices change due to Supply - TopicsExpress


fact based proof that anyone saying prices change due to Supply and Demand is either ignorant or a liar. or both. bottom line is, our economy has always been at the mercy of other countries, and their interest in profits. this IS a National Security Issue, and should be treated as one, and the Gas Lobby is actually an Enemy of the U.S. here is why. the desperate NEED to get OFF the gas ONLY energy path is a National Security Issue. and again, anyone saying it is NOT is not up on the Facts, or is a liar. or both. it is time, folks. ask this - as a Patriotic American, a U.S. Citizen, can ANYone say they are okay with another country holding the reins of OUR economy ? answer - no. then...what DO we do ? there are plenty of alternatives. BUT. the Gas Only Lobby has TO GO. they make their cash on Gas Only Tech. any other tech is useless and comptetetive to them. so, they defeat ANY attempt at getting that tech up and running. and so KEEP the U.S. dependant on oil from outside the U.S., as well as diverting ANY oil we DO make here to other countries. doubt that ? okay, the Alaskan Oil Pipeline has been in operation for over 30 YEARS. know where that oil goes ? no, you dont. it goes to JAPAN. NOT to the U.S. so, the Drill Baby Drill crowd can deal witht hat FATC that even if we DID drill more in Alaska, that oil would STILL NOT go to the U.S. so why do it at all if it goes outside the U.S. ? because it means more profits for the Gas Lobby and KEEPS the U.S. dependant on THEIR oil conncetions outside the U.S., and keeps us buying THEIR oil, NOT using OURS. got it ? that makes the Gas Lobby the literal Enemy of the U.S. they WANT us dependant on foreign oil. they WANT us vulnerable to other countries controlling us. that subverts our Sovereign Rights as a Country. got it ?
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 07:45:05 +0000

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