find it from Soompi forum [INTERVIEW - VIDEO] Kang Minhyuk Star - TopicsExpress


find it from Soompi forum [INTERVIEW - VIDEO] Kang Minhyuk Star Talk (HK) December 2nd, 2014 (trans credit to @qttbean) Q: This is your first time in HK w/o your members. How do you feel about that? MH: Everytime Im here, its because of CNBLUE concert. This is my first time coming alone for an activity. Because there are so many fans that came to see me, I feel their warmth and support. Their response is very passionate, makes me feel like Im playing drums… sweating! Q: This time in HK, are there any special destinations you wish to visit or foods to eat? MH: This time I really want to go to the Soho District and visit antique shops. Because I really like interior design and little home decor items. I heard Soho district sells these types of things. So, Id like to visit Soho to buy lots of accessory ornament type things. Also, I like to eat egg tart and mango pudding. Very delicious. I had some this morning. Q: You mentioned you like interior design and home decoration. I heard that your recent hobby is flower arrangement? MH: Yes, because I really like home decor items, thats why I became to like flower arrangements. I would visit the flower market to buy flowers and bring home to arrange them. Its quite fun. I would use the flower arrangements to decorate my home. So thats why I wish to visit Soho district. Q: Have you ever made flower arrangements for the members or friends or a girl? MH: Previously during Parents Day, I arranged some carnations for my parents. Also I gave to friends as gifts… the friends I made during Flower Arrangement classes. Even some are men… there are lots of friends who received flower gifts from me. Thats why I like flower arrangement so I can give to many people. (gak ngerasa ini seperti sebuah jawaban dia buat njelasin masalah IG gambar vas bunga kembar dulu?) Q: Last year you appeared in The Heirs, your character/role was very popular. Are there any roles you wish to challenge yourself? MH: Because Im still young… Im willing to try many different roles. Instead of picking a specific role, I hope Im able to try various different roles. Q: In The Heirs, your role was a high school student. In the future, would you like to portray different age group characters like 30 year old roles? MH: I think right now the directors might not want me to play a 30 year old role. I hope right now I can portray roles that are suitable for my appearance. Slowly one by one I want to try out different roles. When I become 30 years old, I can portray an ajusshi role. During that time, if I have the opportunity… I will challenge that type of role. Right now, I think I can still do a student role. Q: The cast of The Heirs have become good friends in real life. Have you kept in touch with any of them? MH: Yes we do keep in touch. Sometimes I see Lee Minho hyung, but hes very busy. Hes very popular. Woo Bin hyung has been busy filming a movie, so I rarely have a chance to meet him. But we still keep in touch. Krystal and Shinhye too… they are busy filming dramas, but we all still keep in touch and have gatherings. (mereka masih keep in touch) Q: Everyone knows you and Super Juniors member Donghae are close friends. Can you explain why? MH: I filmed my first drama with Donghae hyung. I knew him during that time… he took really good care of me like his little brother. From then on, weve become good friends. Q: Next year January, it will be CNBLUEs 5th anniversary. How do you all maintain the great relationship? MH: According to age… there are 2 hyungs and 2 dongsaengs. The hyungs really take care of the dongsaengs. And the dongsaengs really likes the hyungs so they will listen to the hyungs. So a form of mutual-understanding is naturally formed. During conversations, we all wont make each other feel unhappy. Everyone will clearly communicate and understand each other so there wont be any uneasy or unhappy situations. We never once had an argument. Q: Sometimes while working… from a music point of view, how do you handle any differences of opinions? MH: As we work together as an ensemble, we also offer our opinions. Thats how we create music. We respect each others opinions. I dont think we have many conflicts. Our goal is the same - to create good music. Q: We know that all the members have lived together before.. for about 8 years. During that time, are there any fun stories youd like to share with us? MH: Four men living together…. of course there are many fun and interesting events. We would suddenly go out to watch movies. In the middle of the night we would go out to eat. Very spontaneous. Regarding work… we often have meetings. Because we lived together… we can easily have a quick meeting. Thats the benefit of living together. Q: Year 2014 is almost over. How do you feel about your accomplishment/grade for this year? MH: I would give myself a score of 60. (MC said - Why such a low score!?) Because there were many regretful situations from different angles. I think next year I will definitely work harder. Thats why its only 60 points. For next year I can reach a score of 70, I will work harder. Q: Are there any specific goals you have for next year? (MH laughed because the Cantonese word for goal sounds a lot like Hangul for the same word^^) MH: I wish next year will be better than 2014. Whether its music or filming… I hope to present an improved, better appearance to greet fans in 2015. And I hope to greet HK and overseas fans more often. Actively working will be my goal. My goal. Q: Earlier, you mentioned that your family wishes to visit Hong Kong as a vacation spot, maybe Christmas? Is this true? MH: Christmas in HK? Actually I cannot make it. Only my mom and sister will come. Because I have to work, I wont be able to come. They are only planning the travels… its a secret. Maybe theres a chance I will join! Q: Any final words for our HK fans? MH: Seeing I have so many supportive fans here… I feel very grateful. CNBLUEs Cant Stop concert will come to an end. Next year we will greet you with new appearances and new album. Please everyone love CNBLUE and please love Minhyuk^^ Source: HK Star Talk (520stars1 YouTube) thanks nurul udah berbagi..
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 11:56:37 +0000

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