finished up my first childrens book the other day. Its called - TopicsExpress


finished up my first childrens book the other day. Its called Santa Visits Zombie Town. Check it out let me know what you think. Santa Visits Zombie Town By David Drape 1 One day there was a boy, and that boys name was Billy Goodson. Little Billy Goodson wasn’t like the other children of Zombieton. Billy didn’t like to poke dead things with a sick, or torment the turned town’s people fire like the other children. He would much rather help gather fresh flowers for the recently turned, to help with the smell. 2 All the living of Zombieton would stair and watch little Billy to see what weird thing he might try next. Like the time Billy tried to teach the zombies how to dance, or the time he thought it would be a good idea to reopen the old abandoned roller rink. Well this time little Billy had an idea, and it was a great idea if Billy did say so. 3 This time Billy would write to Santa and ask him to help bring peace and harmony to the dried out hearts of the Zombie Town people so that they may have a Merry Christmas. Now before we go on you must understand that Zombie Town is a small part of Zombieton where the turned town’s people of Zombieton go when they have become zombies. 4 When Santa read little Billy’s letter he couldn’t help but feel touched. Having not felt this way in a long time Santa was compelled to fulfill Billy’s dream. Eureka Santa thought, if we make new clothes from flowers and cover everyone in peppermint oil. Then we will throw a big Christmas party for all the people of Zombieton right in the middle of Zombie Town. The smell of chestnuts roasting and fresh gingerbread being baked should cover up all that rotting smell. Then everyone will surely have a good time. 5 Then Santa gathered up everything that he would need to make this happen, punch cookies, air freshener and raw meat. Santa knew that he would be cutting it close throwing a last minute Christmas party just before delivering all the gifts for Christmas morning, but he thought Billy’s wish was worth the trouble. Santa readied the sleigh as two elves loaded up the back of the sleigh with Santa’s big red sack. The two elves were excited to be going out to on Christmas Eve, but Santa knew he would need the extra help if he was to pull a caper this grand off. 6 Little Billy Goodson Had no idea what surprise this night would have in store for him as he laid himself to sleep this night. Just as soon as Billy fell asleep he was startled by the sounds of sleigh bells and then a loud crash. Billy just knew that sound was Santa in trouble and that it was coming from Zombie Town. I must help him Billy thought to himself as he tried sneaking out only to be stopped by his mother who walked Billy back up to bed and tucked him in. 7 Billy knew something was wrong; he had to get out and help Santa before something bad befell old Saint Nick. Little Billy’s stomach began to feel sick. When Billy fell asleep this time he slipped off to slumber and dreamt about Santa climbing in through his window and waking little Billy for a Christmas Party in his honor. Then all of a sudden Billy was awakened by the sound of a glass shattering and his mother screaming. For tonight Santa had come to pay Billy a visit. 8 Little Billy runs down the stairs fallowing his mothers screams. He pauses next to the Christmas tree and scans the house for his mother, only to find her being attacked by what could be described as one and a half zombie elves. Billy could see that his mother was doing just fine wielding them off with a cast iron frying pan giving them a thwack and a bong. 9 Billy quickly searches the floor for a weapon to aid his mother from her pint sized zombie sprites. The Christmas stockings were strewn about his feet and all were all about. Billy takes a step and hears a snapping at his feet. Billy looks down and finds a large over sized candy cane broken under his foot. 10 When little Billy slowly looks up from his feet, he finds a shiny black leather boot standing in front of him. As Billy fallows the boot up a leg to revile a sight that’s beyond belief, when what should stand before him but a zombie Santa with a flesh crazed look in his eyes. We can see Billy’s mother still fighting off her assailants in the background of the kitchen. 11 Then Santa, with drool dripping from his mouth lunges at Billy trying to scoop him up. Billy ducks out of the way with a tumble and roll grabbing the broken candy cane. Then Billy climbs the Christmas tree jumping into the air plunging the sharpened end of the candy cane straight into Santa’s head. Santa lets out a gargle and a burp as he falls to the ground shoving the candy cane right threw to the other side of Santa’s head. 12 Billy Stands over zombie Santa’s lifeless body sure that this night Santa will not be coming to town. Then Billy’s mother lets out a scream reminding Billy of her little problems in the kitchen. Billy grabs his Christmas stocking up off the floor as he runs to the kitchen. Billy’s mother stands between two icky drippy zombie elves brandishing her frying pan as if she were a samurai from some ancient tale. 13 Billy runs into the Kitchen and shoves his stocking over the head of the half zombie elf. Just then zombie elf number two lunges at Billy’s mother. She swings her frying pan and busts the dead elves head open like a piñata. Well this has been about the most interesting holiday for us ever, says Billy’s mother as she wipes away some nastiness from her face. So what’s next, Billy asks as he throws the half zombie elf into the microwave and presses 30 seconds. The bell on the microwave pings and we hear a pop as Billy and his mother get an idea. 14 And so Billy and his mother ride off into the night on the backs of Santa’s seven zombie reindeer. While Billy and his mother finished delivering all the gifts to the good children of the world no one had any idea that zombie Santa and his two zombie elves were riding on the back of the sleigh, no longer living and no longer living dead. 15 By the end of the night Santa’s big red magic sack was completely empty and so Billy and his mother stuffed zombie Santa and his two zombie elves into the sack. When they arrived at their destination, the North Pole, Billy and his mother placed the squishy sack at the door step of Misses Claus house. Billy then rings the doorbell so Miss Cringle can receive her surprise. Instantly Billy runs away catching up to his mother who is waiting on the back of a zombie Rudolf with a stick in her hand that has a penguin tied to the end of it flapping in fear. 16 The four then rode off into the moonlight content with the fact that they just saved Christmas. 17 The End. 18 Back at the North Pole… Oh what’s in here? Oh My. Aaahhh.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 07:28:16 +0000

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