The first 2 months - TopicsExpress

   The first 2 months you can make 1500 VP a month without buying anything. With 1500 VP you qualify for the Executive Profit Pool Payout. Just do the items listed in your VP Ledger. go to HotSpots menu tab and at the bottom is My VP Ledger. Click it and see all the points you can still claim. After 2 months of Learning you are now rewarded for DOING. You see. The first 2 months you make VP by Learning (and a little money). But after that you make money and VP by working (Big Money). There are 2 primary streams of revenue from working. 1. Product Sales 2. Affiliate training and growth. The first 2 months SFI rewards you to prepare and learn to do these 2 thing online. I too will help you. But after the 2 months your points come from doing these things, having learned them. The first 2 months all the points you gather are directed at teaching you about all the tools SFI offers to accomplish these two things. After month 2, all the points are gathered by doing the things that aid to accomplish these two revenue streams. For example, product sales, you can get 1 point a day for just looking at the new products listed in TripleClicks. This makes you familiar with products and makes it more likely you will share and sell these products. Example of Affiliate training and growth. You can get 30 points a week for emailing your affiliates with helpful ideas, guidance and direction. This improves the likelihood of Affiliates successfully engaging in SFI. An affiliate with a mentor encouraging them on is a great benefit when combined with the excellent training material already in SFI. Now revenue from sales. This is fast cash. a. You can sell other peoples products and get a commission. Notice the share button with every product making it easy to share that item on Facebook, email, Twitter, or cut and paste the link to any social media site. b. Sell your own used and like new products as an individual. Profiting from the sale. c. Open a store on TripleClicks and make multiple listings of new products to sell. d. Buy products you are already buying (tooth paste, shampoo, coffee....) from your TripleClicks member site. Spending money in TripleClicks costs you nothing if it is money you already spend elsewhere. So buy all you necessities in YOUR TripleClicks store and earn VP. e. Recruit new TripleClick members (buyers) using exciting products or the TC $12.00 Gift Card. f. Recruit stores to sell their products on TripleClicks. You receive a commission on any and every item they sell to anyone anywhere anytime. You do nothing but recruit them to sell on TripleClicks. This last one is huge. It is huge and once recruited you just get paid... Revenue from Affiliate growth. This is slower, but it is BIG money. a. Recruit and train affiliates to buy and sell products on TripleClicks. You are not the trainer but the mentor. You learned SFI so you can point them to the training they need, when they need it. You may not be able or need to answer their question, but you can point them to the training that provides the answer. You receive commissions on your Personal Affiliates purchases and you match their VP and gain many many more shares in the profit pool based on their total VP values. This is slow at first but becomes very BIG money. b. Advertise all over the place to get new Affiliates. c. Recruit WAVE3 members. You and people in your downline need to be WAVE3 members. It is an advertising campaign run by SFI. You put a sticker on your car, simple. I actually put one on my car, motorcycle and laptop cover. It really works. Anyway, they pay you each month for doing this advertising. You get Credits and MRPs (loyalty points) both of which can be used in the store to buy stuff. You get them every month. You also can win stuff once your a member and last week I won $250.00 cash to my paypal. It cost 1.95 International (US I forget the price but it is less) to receive the kit. If you make EA2 next month, just to show your serious, I will buy the Wave Kit for you. It is that good. I will buy it for EVERYONE of my personal affiliates. So this is not pie in the sky, but real business online. With all the support and infrastructure to succeed.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 21:21:07 +0000

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