FRIENDS OF THE EARTH Tell Senator Warner that voting - TopicsExpress

   FRIENDS OF THE EARTH Tell Senator Warner that voting against climate science is not okay! Dear Robert, Yesterday, Senator Warner acknowledged that our house is on fire. Today, he voted that he isn’t going to put it out. To be clear, this wasn’t about EPA regulations. It wasn’t about giveaways for polluters. It was about basic facts: Climate change is real, human-caused, and spurred by fossil fuels. And Senator Warner voted to stifle a discussion of those facts. I think you’d agree that Senator Warner is probably not that blind. In fact, in a vote yesterday, he acknowledged that climate change is real and human-caused. But for Senator Warner, discussing the role of fossil fuels was one step too far. Why? He is padding his pockets by kissing up to the Big Polluters who bought his elections. We’ve come to expect our Senators to pay back their campaign contributors on big policy decisions. But Senator Warner is so wrapped around Big Oil’s finger that he was unwilling to even debate the impact of fossil fuels. We can’t have our county run by people who reject science. We need you to show Senator Warner that his vote was not okay. Tell Senator Warner that voting against climate science is unacceptable. Here’s what happened: Republican leadership made approving Keystone XL their first priority in the new Senate. Senators used this opportunity to force the Senate to vote on amendments related to the science of climate change for the first time ever. Senator Warner admitted, in a vote taken yesterday, that climate change is happening, but with today’s vote, he sidestepped debating the role that burning of fossil fuels is playing in it. That is tantamount to climate denial. 97% of the world’s scientists agree that human activity has contributed to global warming and that fossil fuels play a significant part. The American public understands this as well. Tell Senator Warner that he is scandalously out of touch with Americans on climate science. Right now, with Republican leadership controlling congress, our basic environmental protections are under attack. Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and their colleagues are trying to roll back environmental regulations, burn more fossil fuels at home and export more abroad. Our climate is on the brink, and our leaders refuse to even respect science. Tell Senator Warner to protect the people back home, not Big Oil’s profits. Sincerely, Luisa Abbott Galvao, Climate and energy associate, Friends of the Earth
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 00:08:33 +0000

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