food for thought In many countries a well-knit and prosperous - TopicsExpress


food for thought In many countries a well-knit and prosperous society could not be built in the post-revolutionary phase due to the defective leadership. Concepts such as Plato’s philosopher king, Confucius’ sage, Nietzsche’s superman, Marx’s proletariat dictatorship, etc., were prepounded to develop ideal leadership, but all these concepts have failed. There is a vast difference between a theory of leadership and the practical, human qualities of a leader. Due to intelligence, acumen, social awareness, oratory skill and some other qualities, a few leaders were successful in the instigating revolution, but later on they became the objects of slander because they were unable to guide society along the path of real progress. They were unable to solve the pressing problems confronting the people or eradicate exploitation." - Sarkar, Prabhat, 1969, Ranchi, Prout in a Nutshell Part 21, Nuclear Revolution, Requirements For Nuclear Revolution
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 19:12:48 +0000

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