...for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. - TopicsExpress


...for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. (Matthew 6:8) How does God need to prosper you? Well, consider Abraham! He need a son to continue his posterity and take possession of his family inheritance. Isaacs inheritance did not just pertain to the accumulated wealth of his father estate, but to the spiritual wealth that his father had amassed, that being the property of Canaan and the covenant blessings of Jehovah. So, God gave Abraham a son, because that is what he needed. It is hard to put ourselves in Abrahams shoes but we need to to help ourselves. 1. without a son everything that Abraham owned would be passed onto his chief servant. 2. His wife was not able to give him a son. 3. God called Abraham when he was in his eighties, and didnt provide a son for him until he was a hundred. Now, the reason I delineated these points was to stretch out the problem Abraham faced with God and also to let our perspectives get enlarged. We need to see that there is a big difference between want and need, and Abraham had to come to terms with this psychology all to well. Abraham wanted a son, but that was not what he needed. The confusing part was that the things he needed he would not of understood without God. Abraham need to separate himself from his people. Abraham need to follow God into unknown territory, Abraham needed to learn how to trust God. Abraham needed to be weaned and matured by faith in God. Abraham need to learn how to hear God. Abraham need to enter into Covenant with God. Abraham s faith need to be tried by patience and perfect over time. Abraham needed to be tested by Gods promise and proven faithful. However, Abraham wanted a son. For Isaac to come, God first wanted for Abraham to have the spiritual foundation and relationship established that would bless Isaac. That is why Ismael could never receive the blessing of Isaac because he was born out of Abrahams disobedience, and so his character was one of rebellion. Where in contrast Isaacs is of obedience. Now you want ____________ (fill the blank), and your angry and confused as to why you cannot have it yet. Frustrated at God for withholding it. However, the answer to your mystery is in understanding what your need really needs so it can be successful. 1. Character 2. Faith 3. Obedience and Trusting God These qualities in place your desire will materialize. Consider if God lessened Davids time of disciplining. If God had removed Saul from him any sooner. What would David have been like? We know David was a great warrior and King but when this man screwed up it was nothing less than severe. And David really only has three memorable yet impacting screw ups. If God hadnt worked on him as long as he did I bet this man would have done worse. I encourage you this week to change your perspective, see the big picture of what God is seeing up for you and know that your dream is not forgotten or unimportant to God, on the contrary it is what God is working so masterfully to give you, like he did for Abraham. Forgive God, and ask to be forgive for any hurt, anger, or bitter resentment you are harboring towards God, and invite Gods Spirit and Truth to come and reign in those areas. Tell yourself, God is going to meet my need, and give me the desires of my heart. As well, tell yourself, God is working on me, providing what my miracle needs or the desire/ Isaac needs, so that when it is born it will possess the character to be able to receive all God has for it. Tell yourself, I am going to get double for my trouble! Encourage yourself to know Gods going to give your a blessing beyond your ability to understand it because of your long-suffering. God loves you and he knows your needs and what you want. Pray to him to help your needs and wants be in alignment with his will and things will be easier for you, even if it is still hard to swallow. God knows what is best. Bless you all in Jesus mighty and perfect name. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:42:23 +0000

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