fra Kevin William SimpsonModtaget per email.... Vågn - TopicsExpress


fra Kevin William SimpsonModtaget per email.... Vågn op... Kære Venner, den er helt gal... Dette er et nødråb, og her i sidste øjeblik, er jeg klar over, at der er mange som ikke vil have tid til at sætte sig ind i den fulde udstrækning af den tragedie, som vil ramme os, hvis en TPP aftalen bliver vedtaget. The corporations, som står bag, har haft held med at holde indholdet væk fra pressen og den største del af befolkningerne i mange af de påtænkte berørte lande. Men hvis vi er mange som protestere, kan vi måske sætte en stopper for det. Nedenfor er der en petition imod TPP, som jeg håber, at I vil skrive under på. Der er også flere artikler i bunden blandt andet fra The Guardian, den mest troværdige engelsk avis som findes. Jeg vil lige nævne en ting, som ligger mit hjerte nær, og som en TPP aftale vil umuliggøre; Mærkning af Gene manipulerede organismer. Mærkningen (labelling) har vi i Europe nu. I U..S.A.. har det endnu ikke været muligt at lovliggøre mærkning på madvarer som er gene manipuleret (GMOs) Det har Monsanta og andre store corporations sørget for med store summer i propaganda. Det er bare den ene ting blandt mange, som de store corporations ønsker at have magt over. De vil lave specielle retsinstanser, som kan bestemme, hvad de må. Altså vores regeringer vil være umyndiggjørt. Du kan læse om alle de andre områder (f.eks. frit brug af Internet), som vil kunne blive corporation-reguleret. Det er et uhyggelig perspektiv. U.S.A. er i en sølle forfatning i dag. Landet som af alle skulle være of the people, by the people and for the people er afgået med døden. Måske kan det genopstå i sin original frihedselskende form men p.t. har det være forrådt indefra. Men vi må ikke lade Europa og andre lande udenfor U.S.A. få samme skæbne. Der er mange som skriver, at det vil betyde rigtig meget økonomisk. Det er blevet tilbagevist af uafhæængige økonomer. Nok med mit oplæg. Læs videre og tag stilling, så snart som muligt. Landene mødes allerede nu på lørdag og søndag -------- Oprindelig meddelelse -------- Subject: Monsanto uncorking the champagne Dear friends, Twelve countries are about to agree a trade deal that would let companies sue our governments to get rid of laws that protect us, but reduce their profits! This affects legislation on everything from internet freedom to GMO labeling. With just 48 hours until the deal is sealed, three countries are wobbling. If we deluge them right now with a call to stand strong, we can stop this global corporate takeover before Monsanto uncorks the champagne: Monsanto’s about to celebrate their biggest coup ever, but we’ve got until the weekend to stop them. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a huge, ultra-secret deal among twelve major countries that would give corporations unprecedented power -- allowing them to use new global tribunals to sue our governments for passing laws that protect us, but reduce their profits! This could apply to everything from labeling GMO foods to protecting internet freedom. Wikileaks has broken the story and opposition is building fast, but the countries are rushing to seal the deal in 48 hours. This is insane, but we have a chance to stop it -- 3 countries are wobbling, and if they pull back now the whole deal could crumble. If we deluge leaders in Chile, New Zealand and Australia with a global call to stand strong, we can stop this corporate takeover before Monsanto uncorks the champagne. Sign up now and share this with everyone: The leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership drafts read like an extended Christmas wish-list for big business -- it would set a global standard of companies imposing their will on our governments through an opaque system of tribunals. These courts could limit access to cheap generic medicines in favour of branded medicines, and even allow cigarette companies to sue governments over health regulations that they say threaten profits! It’s almost too crazy to be true. But practically no one has heard of the TPP! The talks are so secretive that not even our elected lawmakers know what’s in it -- just the negotiators and 600 corporate lobbyists. Now leaked texts have shocked politicians and citizens from Chile, New Zealand, and Australia. And they are pushing back on the corporate bullying, and against the US that is hell-bent on getting a deal agreed before there is too much public scrutiny. The TPP affects us all -- it infringes on our rights and undermines our democracies just to protect the corporate bottom line. And we only have days to stop it. Join the urgent call and tell everyone: It can be easy to feel small in the face of big corporate forces driving our governments. But people, not money, are the true source of power. Time and again, our community has proved that when we come together to protect our rights against corporate takeover, we can win. Let’s now stop this unprecedented threat to our democracies. With hope, Alice, David, Jooyea, Alex, Aldine, Julien, Ricken, and the Avaaz team PS - Many Avaaz campaigns are started by members of our community! Start yours now and win on any issue - local, national or global: SOURCES: WikiLeaks publishes secret draft chapter of Trans-Pacific Partnership (The Guardian) theguardian/media/2013/nov/13/wikileaks-trans-pacific-partnership-chapter-secret Full text of the leaked draft text (Wikileaks) The Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty is the complete opposite of free trade (The Guardian) theguardian/commentisfree/2013/nov/19/trans-pacific-partnership-corporate-usurp-congress Fast track risky path for Pacific trade pact (Seattle Times) seattletimes/html/businesstechnology/2022349766_biztaltoncol01xml.html For Free Trades Sake, Get IP Out of the TPP (Huffington Post) huffingtonpost/bill-watson/for-free-trades-sake_b_4325963.html Philip Morris Leads Plain Packs Battle in Global Trade Arena (Bloomberg) bloomberg/news/2013-08-22/philip-morris-leads-plain-packs-battle-in-global-trade-arena.html Support the Avaaz Community! Were entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 17:03:55 +0000

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