from 11 to 17 Aug 2014 GENERAL TENDENCIES Everyday Life / - TopicsExpress


from 11 to 17 Aug 2014 GENERAL TENDENCIES Everyday Life / Profession: The Aquarius Full Moon of the weekend has caused restlessness and brought surprising changes with it. But they were also made possible through Neptunes connection with Mars, in the element of water, which could have had the effect of opening a floodgate. You can sense this opening with the Pisces Moon. This may either cause you to feel lost or without any sense of orientation - or you may have the impression of being guided by higher powers. You are either trusting – or you are not. If you are not, you can work on directing your thoughts to the good things that you have experienced. In order to do this, you must assess your past. But the idea was to stop assessing, right? Have you already long recognized judgment and condemnation as the actual problem? Partnership / Love: On Tuesday, Venus changes into Leo, which means that four planets are in this sign of joy in life for a few days. Together with the Aries Moon, there is a very special emphasis on the fire element between Wednesday and Friday. The uncertainty at the start of the week can be transformed into a strong wanting and confidence. You have the desire (and right) to a self-determined and satisfying love life. ARIES Everyday Life / Profession: Give yourself a few days’ time to let the current events have their effects for a little bit. With the Aries Moon, you sense an impulse on Thursday that is similar to what you already felt during the Full Moon on Sunday: a great desire for independence and making your own decisions. You would like to be perceived as an individual with all of the trappings. This desire improves your mood. You like to be sociable and need an audience for your special performance. Most people will love you - perhaps not necessarily because they like your style but especially because you are courageous and show how you actually are. During this week, Mars comes into a good connection with Pluto. This allows you to test the boundaries and perhaps expand them a bit. Partnership / Love: Venus enters into the sign of Leo and moves toward Jupiter by doing so. This results in an expectant anticipation and opportunities to flirt. But a flirt will hardly be enough because you want to feel love and celebrate life. Mars in Scorpio desires to go into the depths and needs eroticism. When you are really hungry, little nibbles are simply not enough. TAURUS Everyday Life / Profession: After the willful and rebellious Full Moon, you should direct your attention at Venus as it changes into the sign of Leo. Venus is the planet of pleasure. In Leo, it aims for the biggest piece of the filet, gold instead of silver, and silk instead of polyester. What are you worth to yourself? Only the best? Then you should now sense what is happening inside of yourself and notice that such thoughts are good for you. In the end, it is not even that important whether you get the best or not. The important thing is that you are worth it to yourself at all times and feel that life would like to give you gifts. The four planets in Leo want to show you the abundance of life during this week. But give the week a little bit of warm-up time (Moon in Pisces and Venus in Cancer until Wed./Thurs.). Maybe you can sense the change of signs by the Moon and Venus? Partnership / Love: With the Leo-Venus, you may experience things in a more robust way and not take them as much to heart. Mars and Pluto now work together and may get to the nitty-gritty in a rather crass way. The Leo-Venus should help you in taking this intensive advance as a compliment. You are simply irresistible! Now you have the proof! (What a pity that you need it.) GEMINI Everyday Life / Profession: During the Aquarius Full Moon, you made your direction clear. Now give yourself and others two or three days of time before you take your next step. This comes almost on its own with the Aries Moon; on Friday, for example, when Mars and Pluto still interact perfectly. Until then, Venus will have already settled a bit into the sign of Leo and strengthened your positive attitude. Mercury, which changes into Virgo on Friday, needs and cherishes positive thoughts. On the whole, the planets result in a favorable picture. You may notice this on the weekend when you straighten up and clean your home. You are creating a bit more order in your life. Partnership / Love: At the start of the week, you feel a bit uneasy once again. Did you go too far? Did you gamble everything away? Did you lose it? No! You did everything right. This is just your impatience, and perhaps also the wish to have everything under control. You probably have more control than ever, which will be confirmed by the end of the week. Do not make big plans for the weekend; just let things take their course and allow yourself to calm down (Taurus Moon). CANCER Everyday Life / Profession: Venus reaches the end of Cancer and you feel that you have reached a goal. But a goal that has been achieved is the incentive for the next goal, which is easy to feel during the Aries Moon (Wed.-Fri.). Venus in Leo sets high aspirations, and the connection of Mars and Pluto shows that you do not give up. Things will now progress cheerfully to the next stage. Actually, you have already been long programmed for success, but it has rarely felt like it does now. You have completed a change that will soon also be seen on the outside because you become more courageous in showing your colors. The colors are an expression of your attitude toward life, which is now becoming rejuvenated. Do you want to be on top of the world? This is the impression that you make in any case. Partnership / Love: You now have a good mix of wanting something and letting it happen; but the wanting will get stronger again during this week. Venus in Leo shows that you radiate a certain dignity, and Mars in Scorpio indicates how greatly you can capture someones imagination. It may also be that you are fascinated by someone else. The best and loveliest situation is when both people feel that this is mutual. LEO Everyday Life / Profession: With the Aquarius New Moon, you insisted on your self-reliance like hardly ever before. Your family or your (domestic) environment has no choice but to accept this. You must assume that some frustration is building in others right now. It is therefore good to be somewhat more reserved -especially on Thursday when the Aries Moon develops its fiery effect and inspires spontaneity while Mercury in Leo also moves very dynamically. While you feel totally good and enjoy life, your fellow human beings could start to suffer because you take up so much space or dominate the conversations too much. On the other hand, this energy is obviously very useful in order to finally make progress. After all, you have been blocked for a long time. It would be great if you could try to let others participate in your happiness. Partnership / Love: Venus is now entering the sign of Leo and shows that you would like to continue and savor the hot course that started last week. To be a real Leo for once and let yourself be pampered… Mars in Scorpio indicates a strong passionate nature but also shows jealousy and the compulsion to control everything. Things could now become somewhat too intensive. But since it feels good to you, you may not notice where the difficulties are lurking. VIRGO Everyday Life / Profession: Were there a few indiscretions? Did information leak somewhere? Or did you even give yourself away? You would like to get the situation under control, but this effort seems to be unsuccessful. Is this a matter of fate? Can it be that some things simply need to happen so that you can get one step further? You would not be a Virgo if you could not succeed in somehow controlling the matter - if not this week, then in the coming weeks… If you are now very busy and dealing with secret or delicate information, try to keep a clear mind. However, the topics are sometimes so exciting that it is difficult not to show how greatly you are moved on the inside. Partnership / Love: A volcano cannot erupt without anyone noticing it. How do you plan to keep everything under control? You are talking yourself into trouble. Will Mercury help when it enters into the sign of Virgo at the end of the week? You will hardly notice a difference and are just a tiny bit reassured (Taurus Moon). This is the calm before the next storm. You know this all too well. When love grows, you are completely helpless. LIBRA Everyday Life / Profession: Once again, this is a matter of defending your territory. It appears that you have woken up and noticed that you have to take action. This can cause overreactions. But it could also be called a very natural reflex. Perhaps it just feels unusual for you of all people to suddenly appear so energetic and show your teeth. Mars is no longer in the diplomatic and balancing Libra but in demanding Scorpio. You can make a decision and do not have to endlessly go back and forth about things and take consideration of sensitivities. After all, you may still have a guilty conscience afterward and think about whether you have gone too far - so to speak as evidence that you are actually a good and sweet-tempered person. Partnership / Love: The Aquarius Full Moon has made something possible that was previously unthinkable. This circumstance appeals to Venus in Leo, which is headed toward Jupiter. You are hungry for love, wanting to experience and feel more. You have the feeling that you deserve more affection. You contribute to making your love life more exciting again; if need be, you will also take the initiative. But it would be even more pleasant for your partner to sense what you need. SCORPIO Everyday Life / Profession: If you felt a weakness (Neptune-Mars) last week, you will now demonstrate even more strength (Pluto-Mars) as a defense or deterrent. If you already sensed your strength last week, this will now continue to grow. You make a decisive and demanding impression and are the boss once again. This role looks good on you. However, it would be great if you could approach everything in a somewhat more relaxed way. Be a friend of humanity and stay cooperative. Show that you also have an accessible side. Be aware that you need the other people; if not now, then at a later point in time. Partnership / Love: During this week, you will successfully suppress or push away any negative feelings. But guilt feelings seem to work like a boomerang. Especially right now, when everything is going so well, you should have the courage to get a more precise feeling for things and clarify the open questions so that nothing grows subliminally like an ulcer this time. In the middle of the week, the Aries Moon will indicate impartiality. Take advantage of these good moments. SAGITTARIUS Everyday Life / Profession: Venus is another planet entering the sign of Leo and amplifies your desire for new experiences; when the Moon also changes into the sign of Aries in the middle of the week, you can no longer be stopped. A pure hunger for life and pure joy in life are what drives you. But perhaps someone has accidentally left a door open – you use the opportunity and go where it draws you, always following your instincts. When you go on a trip, spiritual experiences are guaranteed. These are even the actual reasons for your journey. You search for a secret and/or a revelation. You consider wondrous foreordinations to be a matter of course; but you should pause for once and become aware of these fortuitous coincidences. Did you already find what you were looking for on the weekend? Partnership / Love: Your love of life is also your desire for love. If you do not have a partner, you will no longer be alone. If you are in a relationship, love will get new nourishment because you now do more things together and share your joy. If your partner shows too little interest, he or she should be afraid of you looking for a new orientation. You will not allow yourself to be restricted by anyone. CAPRICORN Everyday Life / Profession: How is progress coming along? It can be called progress when you no longer stand in your own way. When you have overcome a fear and shown your courage. When you can accept advice without thinking that you had previously done everything wrong… Can you see your progress? Perhaps you need someone to tell you what type of progress can be seen in you. You now have very beneficial contacts, especially from the family area. You are supported in your willfulness. No one demands that you should adapt and be untrue to yourself. Can you perceive this? You actually should be doing so well now that you get the desire to go to your limits and see what can be discovered beyond these boundaries (Mars-Pluto). Partnership / Love: Together with the Aquarius Full Moon, it has become clear that there are still many exciting and sensual things to discover in your personal relationship. One partner learns from the other. You can complement, pamper, inspire or encourage each other. If you still have wishes open, you can talk about them during this week - even if you are otherwise rather bashful. AQUARIUS Everyday Life / Profession: You now continue on your unconventional path and meet like-minded people. You strengthen each other and have a lot of fun. At the same time, your topic should be taken very seriously and you also want to be taken seriously. The more serious the topic, the more important it is to not allow the humor to be neglected either as a relaxation technique or because life is colorful and beautiful (middle of the week). Before you go too far, Mercury will change into the reasonable sign of Virgo toward the end of the week and the Taurus Moon will also help to somewhat calm down the tempers. Partnership / Love: The Aquarius Full Moon has brought to light your special preferences; it looks as if this also appeals to your partner. During the Aries Moon (Thurs./Fri.), you can continue your little games for a bit longer and contribute some new stimulus. Or is it your partner who now has such good ideas? Two people who are wonderful complements seem to have found each other here. PISCES Everyday Life / Profession: In case you have the desire at the start of the week to stay out of a problem, it may be that you may still intervene quite spontaneously and rather intensely around Thursday. Even patient Pisces people can get fed up for once. But perhaps you are less involved because you have an idea of how to do things in a better way and not because something is bothering you? You are driven by idealism because you still continue to love life. You notice this in everyday life when many things are easier for you, when you have new energy and new confidence, and when simply everything is great. Four planets in Leo want to turn life into a celebration. You do not need a party; instead, you turn every day into a little highlight. Partnership / Love: You need more free space for all of the beautiful things that you would like to experience – with or without your partner. There are moments in life when you do not need anyone to be happy. So much the better when someone is there, but things also go smoothly without a partner. You will certainly not be lonely this week. There are still so many other people with whom you can share your joy.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 05:58:29 +0000

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