from LIUNA: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Passes - TopicsExpress


from LIUNA: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Passes Senate Last week, the United States Senate passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill, that while not perfect brings us one step closer to achieving real immigration reform. The Senate bill addresses LIUNA’s three fundamental immigration reform principles; providing a pathway to citizenship, limiting guest workers for the construction industry, and ensuring humane border security and enforcement. The next step is for the U.S. House of Representatives to take action. This will be an even more challenging process since much of the U.S. House of Representatives would like to see an enforcement only approach instead of a comprehensive solution. Please urge members of Congress to support comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path towards citizenship and limiting construction industry visas, as the Senate bill did. If you see your Senators during the upcoming congressional recess, please thank them for their support on immigration reform. All of the Senate Democrats supported the legislation, and the folling Senate Republicans joined them: Lamar Alexander (TN); Kelly Mayotte (NH); Jeff Chiesa (NJ); Susan Collins (ME); Bob Corker (TN); Jeff Flake (AZ); Lindsey Graham (SC); Orrin Hatch (UT); Dean Heller (NV); John Hoeven (ND); Mark Kirk (IL); John McCain (AZ); Lisa Murkowski (AK); and Marco Rubio (FL). Read LIUNA’s statement / find out more at
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 19:20:56 +0000

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