##> ha ha guys, WHAT have I been telling yOu about the $ crash It - TopicsExpress


##> ha ha guys, WHAT have I been telling yOu about the $ crash It is impossible to unravel our greatest societal problems without taking aim at the world’s financial system, which is fundamentally corrupt on many levels. The global financial system, organized around centrally managed, privately owned, fiat, fractional reserve currencies, is an engineered tool of the world’s banking elite that, by design, enslaves the public to inflation and impossible to pay off debt. The efforts of the money masters to take control of the world with their debt-backed money has paid off wildly for them, and the resulting economic imbalances and fiscal atrocities can be seen in every corner of the economy and in every nation on earth. While poverty is being globalized, the banking cartel and their 1% elite are reaping riches greater than the wildest imaginations of history’s most opulent Kings and rulers. Freedom for the human race begins with freedom from servitude to corrupt money. “The American people have no idea they are paying the bill. They know that someone is stealing their hubcaps, but they think it is the greedy businessman who raises prices or the selfish laborer who demands higher wages or the unworthy farmer who demands too much for his crop or the wealthy foreigner who bids up our prices. They do not realize that these groups also are victimized by a monetary system which is constantly being eroded in value by and through the Federal Reserve System.” – G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve Many activists and people with integrity are chipping away at the financial system by demanding a return to publicly managed, asset-backed currencies, by creating rogue local currencies, and even by exploring new technologies like Bitcoin, but, all of these efforts seem to be gaining momentum much more slowly than the current financial paradigm is stealing our prosperity and future. For this, many intelligent and prudent folks are preparing for the worst, a global economic collapse, which would inflict unimaginable suffering on the world. Under the current paradigm collapse is inevitable. Is there any hope of overcoming the banking cartels and the money-changers without the end of life as we know it? Can the human race go from a completely corrupt economy to an honest economy practically overnight without suffering the total devaluation of everything so many have worked for? It seems highly unlikely, but some outspoken people are getting behind the message that powerful, yet benevolent hands are at work behind the scenes to do just that: bring about honest money for the world as a replacement to the fiat fraud and financial plunder we toil under now. Enter The Dragon Family Outside the circle of usual suspects involved in the debate about monetary policy are some interesting characters who are unified in a public message of hope for the world in this regard. Their major claim is that there is an extremely powerful, yet benevolent, secret Asian organization that has the connections, influence and capacity to overcome the inertia of corruption in world finance, doing us all a colossal favor of the highest order. The primary conspirator in this theory is the so-called Dragon Family, an above-the-law, outside of the system, extremely wealthy family who is motivated to save the world from the grip of the evil Rothschildian banksters and financial manipulators. A rather basic primer on the Dragon Family is found here: WATCH THE VIDEOs ON THE LINK >>>>> riseearth/2014/12/is-there-conspiracy-to-bring-honest.html#.VJAiCGxdvsE.facebook
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 12:55:56 +0000

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