#happiness is never say never...baby talk...and Fri night - TopicsExpress


#happiness is never say never...baby talk...and Fri night primetime at The Cheesecake Factory. I used to be one of those people that would cringe when I arrived at a restaurant crawling with babies...and, on a plane, I would have signed the petition for baby-free planes. That is, until 5 months ago...(or maybe a few months prior in anticipation, fascination...and fear.) Yes, fear. At my baby shower, I made sure most guests had left before I ventured to hold my friends baby. I felt bad that I didnt even want to...I wasnt sure how to...and the whole episode made me feel severely inadequate. But, as we sat at The Cheesecake Factory tonight (which, on a Friday night around 6pm, is apparently Family Night...), I was struck by how much I have changed. Namely, how comfortable I am with being in the midst of babies. P.D. (pre-Desiree), I was hardly what you would call mommy material. Even now, I sometimes think that I am not really mommy material. After all, I head off to Japan when my baby is not even 5 months old, and I dont feel guilty. Im pretty sure in some circles I have been condemned as a bad mommy, but I also realize the double standard of it. Fathers on business trips are never questioned as mothers are. So, I move on. Happy in my unique quirkiness...with a glass of Cheesecake merlot...its honestly pretty good...if they remember to bring it to you. (But Ill save that discussion for another day...) The point is do you reverse your never say never moments? If you dont, you should. I think it is people like me that REALLY need to have kids. Because were put off of our pedestal of no-baby haughtiness. Now when I see a baby boarding a plane, I peer over to see how old, how cute, and to, more importantly, greet the parent carrying the baby. As a parent, Ive gained appreciation and curiosity of life from a fresh perspective. And, life is about finding a fresh perspective. Baby Desiree is 5 months today and she has LOTS to say. The problem is were not sure what she is trying to say exactly. But, Im sure over the next year, we will learn...and I love learning from Baby Desiree. She has so much to teach me... #100happydays #gotwillpower #gotfreshperspective #gotmerlot #lovebabytalk
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:02:01 +0000

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