happy New Year, fellow travelers... Heres the short list of - TopicsExpress


happy New Year, fellow travelers... Heres the short list of what needs doing: Among the first things that need doing is fixing America, making sure that our bridges are sound, our tunnels safe and our dams secure….We need to rebuild infrastructure include extensive road repairs to make sure travel is safe and secure and we do not break up into regions that are disconnected from each other! We also need to concern ourselves with transportation; in many states, the status of public transportation is little more than non-existent or tremendously inefficient. We need to keep up with the world . Even in China, a peasant state til a few years back has managed to build super high-speed trains that can travel through the mountains to far off cities as far away as Tibet at hundreds of miles an hour!....All of this technology was produced and invented by Americans and not used here!....but licensed abroad…. We must return the vote to the people! That is essential. And as part of that we must void Citizens United and the big Super packs that make it possible for anonymous donors with unrevealed agendas from who knows where can influence the outcome of our democratic vote by buying the Election. That has to go!....And, no, buildings are not people!....I’m sorry, Supreme Court. We need to reformulate the nature of the Court so it’s inherent biases, or extremism, or mentally unsound edicts do not contaminate what is good about America and that will mean term limits, removal from the Court, reforms, and punishments for furthering personal agendas that ignore the will of the people…. We need a Congress that is responsible, mature, collegial that represents the best interests of the American people and that will mean reforms that allow us to remove those who do not serve the best interests of the people without having to go through extensive measures that can never work. We need to see a return to manufacturing in the US and heavy fines on those who sold out American manufacturing or moved overseas for cheaper wages and lower overheads with no penalties. We must institute reforms that give American workers jobs that have been taken away and through penalties insist that the American employers hire first here in the country of origin as required by other countries abroad. We must eliminate the unwarranted tax breaks that have made it impossible to move forward with progressive strategies and investments in America to recapture our lead in science and technology. We must commit to eliminating groups formed by conservative groups to influence legislation, like Alecs that seeks to take the bargaining powers away from the Unions and the people and return them to business in violation of the agreements reached in the 40’s to protect the worker under president Roosevelt. For our government to function effectively, we must enforce punishments for violations of the law and we must introduce meaningful reforms for legislation that does not meet the needs of the times or encourages greed and corruption. And we must never lose our concerns for humanity and kindness to our fellow man…. We ourselves must hold ourselves to a higher standard, maintain a level of involvement, make our feelings understood and participate in our own governance to assure that the people’s needs are not forgotten; we need to remember that politics influences everything, and those who denigrate the political process are the same people who lift not a finger to improve it. We are where we are today because we have have put politics last in the pecking order of things and that’s why we have such inferior specimens left to do our bidding; the power of influence and wealth for special ends is incompatible with a democratic system, and if like what democracy entails, we are going to have to work to assure that it continues—that it seems should rank high on the pecking order of priorities!... We must recognize that our secret organizations, many of which are based on improving our performance of war and keeping secrets from the people have grown way too powerful, command too much money and authority and need to be scaled down to size and that will take a commitment of will but is essential if we want to put things back into perspective; clearly, a special entity proposed by the president and representative of the people needs to be put into place with the authorization to do what is right to prioritize peace not war, and talk and negotiations rather than pitched battles for supremacy. If we need a reminder why, just take another look at the reality of this world as a smote of dust in an obscure part of the Universe, the only place that as far as we know contains life. We must do whatever it takes so that the people are assured a planet that has clean air to breath, and pure water to drink, a climate that is moderate and preserve what we can of a habitable environment—it is all that we have! That means protecting our carbon footprint and reducing it wherever possible, we must stop leaks of harmful gases into the environment, we must keep the seas from growing acidity, we must move on to reusable fuels and eliminate Fracking and the plundering of Earth for its gases and the natural damage to the environment that the release of additional gases cause….We must become environmentally-directed in all things for health, longevity and happiness Again, Happy New Years!...
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 21:21:59 +0000

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