heres a post I found on my wall...thought Id share! If Obama - TopicsExpress


heres a post I found on my wall...thought Id share! If Obama thinks because he says “SORRY” that we will all forget that he LIED – he better think again. The damage is done & he still LIED & LIED about the LIE. Those on the LEFT are saying that Obama saying he is sorry should make everything OK. They are wrong. They still have the statement of “If you like you plan you can keep your plan”. Carney said that when Obama told the entire country “If you like you current plan – you can keep that plan..Period” it was not true. Why did Obama tell the entire country that your health care cost would be lowered by $2,500 & now we all have seen our plans INCREASE by at least that amount. How many LIES are they going to admit too knowing? I am still asking WHY? All I see is Obama destroying our relationships with our Allies & talking with our Enemies. Obama looking to ease sanctions on Iran – Showing that he has no idea what he is doing. Just a week ago they were riots in the streets of Iran yelling “Death to America”. If this doesn’t show you that he doesn’t have a clue I don’t know what will. We have paid $7 million more to Obamacare contractors - those that didn’t produce what they already have been paid more than $900 million. 65% now disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy. Unemployment rose from 7.2% to 7.3% but Obama out campaigning saying how many jobs he has created. Next question is – will Obama give unions exemptions so that they want have to pay the tax? Now we also hear that the CIA paid AT&T $10 million to give up all phone records – no warrant required. Security is a question on Obamacare. There are no background checks on those that will have access to your personal information. The IRS in charge of penalty for not having insurance –They paid $4 Bil to identity thieves. Sent 655 returns to the same address in Lithuania. The IRS paid $110 Billion in tax credits to people that did not qualify for them. Also, 700 IRS employees owe $5.4 MILLION in back taxes so how are they expected to apply penalties? Sebelius refused to answer the question – Is the statement on about if you like you health care plan – you can keep your plan TRUE? Yes it is still on the website. And it is still on the FB White house page. In California we are hearing that in order for an insurance company to be on Obamacare exchange they had to cancel policies people had starting in 2014. Obama trying to change the subject – talking about passing a budget & YES he wants more spending. Does that surprise anyone? IRS – they have memo showing that Lerner sent taxpayer info to FEC. That is illegal – so will she have to pay for doing this? People Disapprove of Obama is up to 55% with approval at only 39%. More & more are seeing Obama for what we have seen for a long time… He has LIED & is destroying our country. Democrats running scared & are asking for delay in Obamacare. They voted for it & now they see that if they had read it they would have not voted for it. Even leading Liberals are calling the exchanges a “failure” & “almost criminal?” Again we have to ask – What the hell does Obama know? Plausible Deniability Fast & Furious – Obama didn’t know Benghazi – Obama didn’t know IRS – Obama didn’t know NSA – Obama didn’t know Obamacare not working – Obama didn’t know Going after AP & FOX reporters phone records because they were reporting things that Obama didn’t want known – Obama didn’t know I would like to ask what Obama knows about what goes on in this country. When we look into anything that has been reported – what do we hear from Obama – well it is always that he didn’t know. Why is it that no one that works for Obama tells him anything or is this just his cover-up line? But he always says he will get to the bottom of it & then what do we see – NOTHING Obama continues to say this about each & everything that happens “We will bring those responsible to justice”. And what have we seen – NO ONE held accountable. Obama now telling illegal’s they want be touched if Obamacare sees their name – They once again not upholding the law on illegal’s. Obama pushing his immigration plan – Does anyone want to ask why it is so important that we do this in such a rush? There are no jobs for those that are already citizens in this country – So how will Obama LIE to make it look good for his Immigration agenda? And how many do you think are really going to step up & pay? When has Obama actually told the truth about anything? He ran for office twice & pushed for Obamacare & all we see afterwards are that everything he told us has been nothing but a LIE. Just listen to what Obama says “Washington needs to get their act together”. Does Obama not understand that he is the 1 in charge for the last 5 years? Remember they set up a committee before to work on the budget…Simpson/Bowles & what did Obama do with what they came up with – Obama threw out what they came up with. Obama was a community organizer (code word = political operative of the left)...he never solved problems he just stirred things up & then sought govt funding for his social justice causes. Next he got into politics most likely because he figured out that he could be closer to the tax flow stream that way & get power to take whatever money he saw fit-hes moved by ideology not to be a leader-just read Alinskys Rules For Radicals & you will understand the election we just went through-facts dont matter, truth doesnt matter - right-wrong doesnt matter - only winning matters - & to do so you trash & attack your opponent constantly lying, making it up, manipulation is OK. The Obama administration is filled with radical Muslims, anarchists, atheists, communists, & socialists, yet Americans are surprised by the communistic nature of their actions! 1 reporter saying “this is the MOST CLOSED CONTROL-FREAK administration” that he has worked with. Obama told us that “I am going to fundamentally transform America” Well he is doing just that - He is taking away all of our LIBERTIES & FREEDOMS. When did government spending start to spin out of control? Democrats took control of Congress in 2006 - is this the answer you are looking for. Finally in 2010 the Republicans took back the House but not the Senate. They have tried to get spending under control. Having to fight at every turn. Because of Reid’s Senate we have not had a budget since Obama took office. Not even the 1st 2 years when Democrats controlled of Congress. Obama said in 2008 that for a President to raise the debt limit was “Criminal” & a sign of “A failure of leadership” Obama’s priority is to increase entitlements. Obama continues to say this about each & everything that happens “We will bring those responsible to justice”. My 1st thought was LIKE HOW HE DID with BENGHAZI & IRS? IRS – Obama came right out & said that this will not be tolerated & we will find out who did this & they will be punished. What did we see from him – NOTHING as USUAL. Benghazi – It’s over a year since the killing of 4 Americans in Benghazi & we still know nothing nor have we captured anyone that was responsible. Obama told us that it was a video that caused the attack & killing in Benghazi! This was proven a LIE & they knew it. Obama said that he would get & prosecute those responsible for this act. What did we see from him – NOTHING as USUAL. Obamacare - Benghazi – IRS – DOJ – EPA - NSA – Fast & Furious – now State Dept cover-up - how many scandals do we have & what will be next? And by the way....this is 1 woman that does not support Obama or anything that he stands for! We will get the truth one day. My motto: I WILL NOT COMPLY! So I will continue to sing my song until he is gone... Please enjoy & start learning the words.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:07:09 +0000

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