honestly what i think is most messed up about america is the - TopicsExpress


honestly what i think is most messed up about america is the culture. We not only stole this land directly form Native Americas, but also suppressed there culture and tried to convert them into Christianity. What have we done with this land honestly but corrupted it and bulldozed over it. I am 17 years old and have given up on free market and capitalize. I am a communist , and before i get linched for it i would like you too look past your culture and what the system has said was right or wrong look at the land. privatized land is the worst thing that has happened to this world. We need only look at Indian society to see this they were a communist society. They had no privatized land or capitalism yet they thrived. The food was shared with the tribe and the land was beautiful and full of wildlife. Then the land was settled by Europeans who under the base of free market our founding fathers started dividing up land that wasnt theirs. I look to day at capitalize as a plague that infected the world because capitalize is founded through imperialism and industrialization. I look at the state of the land and all i see is mini mall after mini mall. when land has a price on it nature is confined in to parks restricted and abused. The age old argument that because the USSR was considered a communistic country it is a justification for not trying communism. Well lets examine Russia not only did they not have a strong economy when Stalin took over they also had just recovered from a civil war which killed more people then world war 1. They also were not true communist, if you wish a example of this you only have to look at their banned books list. Any well known writing from Carl Marx, and Friedrich Engels were banned. I am asking you to look past any propaganda like better dead than red and look at my perspective. I love the page , obliviously i dont want to force communism on a population that doesnt want it only wish to open minds to it. Every person deserve the right to free speech and opinion and which government to rule them. Also i would enjoy criticism and input or friendly comments i love to debate.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:56:56 +0000

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