https://smashwords/books/view/278660 Here is written, my - TopicsExpress


https://smashwords/books/view/278660 Here is written, my contribution to history, for the understanding of future generations; dated 31.12. 2999. 7.00 am: I awake, to the tones of the Nation’s Anthem; ‘Brave Nation, Brave World’, broadcast over the domestic sound system; a micro device, with audio outlets implanted into the walls of each room. Instructions, advice and warnings, are delivered in hourly bulletins, from the ‘Voice of the Nation’ studios, inside the local government headquarters. These continue throughout the day, until 7.00 pm, when the Nation’s Anthem is played once more, to indicate the close of transmission. I visit the cleanroom and take an electrostatically charged body sweep. Standing naked, beneath the orange beam that emanates from the wall fixture, the appliance removes all dirt, as well as unwanted facial hair, in a matter of seconds. 7.15 am: I join my family; my parents, for breakfast. We each eat a bowl of Fibrotins; a cereal containing the optimum daily intake of dietary fibre and vitamins. Also a glass of Procarb; a meal in liquid form that contains all the dietary requirements to set us up for the day. 7.30 am: A short walk to Attire, and my job, as a quality control inspector, at the garment factory. A superfluous position; all items are of identical standard, and there is never more than a 0% rejection rate. 11.30 am: Break for lunch, and social interaction. Lunch is two portions of Sustocrisp biscuits, containing minerals as well as other dietary supplements. As a rule, I participate in the Suggestions Forum, in which new ideas, for improvements to working conditions, are invited to be voiced. However, agreement as always, is reached without exception, that satisfactory conditions prevail; and the ‘Any New Business’ function is as superfluous as my own position. 12.30 am: I attend the local Education Complex, to deliver my presentation to the students; a recruitment drive, offering secure employment and a steady income at Attire. This presentation is always eagerly anticipated by the students, even though their studies include handicrafts, as well as the 3 L’s: Listening, Looking, and Language. 1.30 pm: The afternoon shift at work, ending at 3.30 p.m, with collection of wages, paid daily. Payment is made in the form of Tokens; 5 Tokens per day. 10 Tokens paid on Saturday; the end of the working week. A total of 35 Tokens per week is adequate for our day-to-day requirements of food and clothing. 4.00 pm: I return home, to a meal of locally reared and grown, high protein, low fat, cholesterol-free chicken, and HiVit vegetables, prepared and cooked by my mother. Preparation takes seconds, under the portable electrostatic cleansing device, similar to that used in the cleanroom. Cooking, again, is completed in a matter of seconds, utilising the microwave appliance. 4.30 pm: Home maintenance tasks are undertaken. The settings on the climate control apparatus are modified, using the optimiser on the hand-held controller. Energy for this, and all appliances, is supplied by the micro solar cells, implanted into the Carbolite roof. This year, we find that the volatile nature of the weather, and the exceptional severity of winter, have combined, to render this function a requirement, at more frequent intervals than in previous years. My mother attends to the laundry; a similar exercise to taking a sweep, or preparing raw food. This function occupies a little over two minutes of her time. 5.00 pm.: Leisure Time, consists of conversation with my parents, and discussions regarding the day’s activities; basically repeating the previous day’s conversation, with the addition of only minor, seasonal references to weather related observations. Also reminders of the daily, Voice of the Nation broadcasts, in case any new instructions, or warnings, were missed. 7.00 pm: The family stands for ‘Brave Nation, Brave World’, before my parents retire for the evening. At this point, I usually visit my friend, Nightingale, unless he decides to come over and visit me. Our conversations revolve around preparations for our quest, and take place out of earshot of my parents, who are either sleeping, or remain awake, behind the closed door of their soundproof bedroom. 9.30 pm: Later, on rare occasions; our conversation draws to a close, and we express our mutual ‘good-night’s’. So ends my description of a typical day in my life.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 10:48:41 +0000

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