https://youtube/watch?v=EtoCsWO5b38 He has been trying for so - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=EtoCsWO5b38 He has been trying for so long to wake up the lazy sleepy greedy gluttony for there fed gov paying jobs, called Humanity, he is showing signs of losing it. Jesus Christ Help Alex Jones Please. Humanity! show him please, that we all are! waking up and watching the Satans Elite Cult right now that run everything in Satans short time to rule, until Humanity decides to quit it all, coming soon. Please post this to his wall, Thank you Humanity, Thank you God for all your Help!. Please share to wake all of Humanity up, Thank you. Shocking Animal Cruelty at Tyson Foods Supplier (2013 Webby Aw You will not be babied any more Humanity. Put yourself in the abused animals place while watching this. By doing nothing, nothing will change, and this is the same thing as your consent!. youtube/attribution_link?a=Cc4fp6nmA74&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQNJL6nfu__Q%26feature%3Dshare Listen to this loud so your Soul gets a shiver, a Bigger picture will show itself. Research is needed now on how often they keep giving themselves a pay raise with our Tax Money, is Theft when ever we the Taxpayers are not the ones giving them this raise, is Fraud! and theft of our moneys, do you tell your! Boss to just give you a raise, and then just take it, I think not. Invasion of power is a Fraudulent system over Humanity. It says in that Elite! King! (The Flesh of this world is Satans short time to rule with his Kings and Queens, in this bigger picture) James Bible that God will not!, manifest into the flesh anymore. So the Pope, no matter what Man!, they put in there, is not!, God our Souls Creator. Bigger picture. Souls from God, dont need to be babysat, we are coming out of the creation of infancy now, God has always wanted our Free Will of Freedom. One day, before we were going to arrest the last Pope, he quit. In Jesus Christ Name Thank you. We The People Thank You Jesus Christ!. This is the Cult mess that Putin has found out, and he said in a video, that Russia is a God fearing People. Bigger picture. Our Souls Creator just wants our Love, and he has not, been getting it, because he cant hear us, because of what is in them Chemtrails of Aluminum, stops emf waves, our Souls thoughts are this, are very voice, is this, etc... ext... Satan started churchs, not God. Adam and Eve were disowned by God, God did not come back and tell us to start any church for us to just Love him. Wakeup!, we are being played like a foul Humanity. Since I speak the Truth, and since they are not! ashamed of Satan the Devil (Lucifer) this is why they dont bother with me. This information will bring you a step closer to the bigger picture that God wants you all to know to wake us all up to. All Souls that came from God, God wants awakened to the truth of how we are all Slaves!!! to the Devil Satan our Soul Brother Lucifer, our Fallen Angel away from Gods Grace. I want healing for this Family now. Mental Healing, its time. Tom Maher the vatican assasins ? They do a lot more worse than that. They do rituals of killings to offer someone elses Blood to Satan the Devil. The ultimate Sacrifice is of your own Blood to the Devil, but they dont know this. Our Souls Creator says to NOT! KILL. Do unto others, as you!, would want them to do unto you. Bigger picture. Tom Maher theres too many theories in this world...ive been reading up on it since i was 16 years old i am now 23 and know alot about prophecies and illuminta 6 mins · Like Tom Maher illuminati 4 mins · Like Linda Says Hello Elite Rothschild Illuminati Freemason Zionist are Satan the Devil Lucifers Bloodlines, and his puppets, they will do anything Lucifer wants, including killing themselves and there Children, if we asked them to do so. But our God says to not! kill. It happens all the time when a possessed person kills their Children. God worked all week, then he took the last! day of the week, which is Saturday his day a day of rest. So long as the Churchs makes Satan the Devils day of rest Sunday church day, it will never be of Gods Church. On all callenders, Sunday is the First! day of each and every week. Saturday is the last day of your working week. You get saturday and sunday off of work, right. Bigger picture under Satans hypnotic spells in tons of different things to keep us all asleep to all of what they are and have been doing to us Humanity. This is why every now and then you will see Gods People telling you to wakeup. Bigger picture going on, in tons of different ways. Jesus Christ Help Us Please!. WorldTruth.TV 3 mins · Illuminati know GOD is real and they also know that Lucifer is the fallen angel of Heavens and that is the beast they worship, that is why they don’t hide anything but rather keep the society dumb with GMO foods, vaccines, Chemtrails, fluoride, and then show them things in plain sight. These bad ones are Satans interbreeding gone wrong Bloodline of deformities. Elite Rockefeller owns BP Oil, bigger picture. Chemtrails, Haarp Machine, and Elite Rockefellers BP Oil leaking and clogging up earths water under currents will! bring about the longest ice age known to this planets death and all! that live upon her (Mother Earth). Research is needed now. And still bad Elite Rothschild Illuminati Freemason Zionist Demonic Cult Members, for real, they have Humanity all brainwashed into thinking we cant do anything to these 1%ers, but its all a lie!. Satan, and these members are master deceivers and liars. Colloidal Silver, in a vaporizer is a cure for any lung problem, research is needed now. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=548012348645883&set=a.163215323792256.35388.153560981424357&type=1&relevant_count=1 TruthSeeker shared a link. March 12 Wow, I am thoroughly impressed by how this man handled 4 police standing in his yard. Definitely beneficial to watch this and understand how to shut down police! thefreethoughtproject/man-puts-4-cops-place-flex-rights/ Turn this up! to really listen with your Soul!. The Elite Rothschild Illuminati Freemasons Zionist Cult Killed him for squealing on them, research is needed now. The Music Industry is owned by Satan Lucifer, that does most of the possessing, because he was the best singer within the Fallen Angels from God. Research is needed now. youtube/watch?v=48DccI3KeC4&feature=share&list=PLKMRZ_RVqZtYjU0chz5lbCLWGg9M8Jntz&index=4 Severn Suzuki... The Wisdom Of A Child... Were being robbed! 12yo girl exposes Canada banking flaws By doing nothing!, you are as Guilty, as the Guilty!. If, on the street, right where you are, you seen a man ripping off the panties of a three year old little girl baby!, and he is going to town rapping this little girl, right in front of you, if, you did nothing to Help her. Not even calling the Police, or getting the rest of Humanity to get him off of her. Then you! become as Guilty!... as the Guilty!... if you know what I mean. Do you see a bigger picture. Because if it was me, I would reach around with my teeth to rip his throat out. If we use are imagination Humanity instead of panicking, there are a tons of things one can do to this mutt of a Demon Human possessed, but use your! imagination, ok. Jesus Christ Help Us Please!. youtube/attribution_link?a=-DfSay83vbA&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DxpJbAE6BmHo%26feature%3Dshare
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:45:44 +0000

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