https://youtube/watch?v=HK5ZAapfylQ&hd=1 George Orwell’s 1984 - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=HK5ZAapfylQ&hd=1 George Orwell’s 1984 is an awesome foreboding book, this can be said of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World as well. They are very predictive books. They describe the police state society we live in now but were written long before because these people could see what was happening really. They saw the signs. Icke discusses these guys and says the same thing about them and Icke is spot on with his geopolitical description but then why does he talk about shape shifting reptilian aliens as well as the supposed illuminati and mixes scientology and time travel with global politics! I’m not dissin Icke but he is making people doubt the truth he speaks with this non sense. Is his shape shifting reptilian alien theory a metaphor for the alienation that imperialism causes? Any Icke fan who reads this, could you please explain to me why Icke who is a G for geopolitical analysis also talk about reptilians and shit that I can only describe as sci-fi fantasy? At the same time I have read so much Chomsky, I mean so much, more than any other author but what I do not like about him is that he does not question the 911 false positive and many people see the government as stupid and incapable of pulling it off which is dumb. Obviously 911 was done by the usa government to blame bin laden and go to war for capital and oil. Chomsky became a cia asset because if you have the Karl Marx of today not questioning the false flag then you cut many off who would potentially question. The pentagon plane was a missile. There was bombs in WTC 7 and in the twin towers. If you see the pictures the bombs were put close to the top and they exploded upwards when gravity obviously goes downwards, they used new nuclear bombs, study the amount of cancer among first responders, nyc 911 is bigger than Hiroshima and Nagasaki and on par with Chernobyl, the reason for this is the fallout was trapped in the dust and when people trying to help arrived they inhaled the radioactive dust so in other words jet fuel did not bring down the towers nor cause the cancers!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 16:01:22 +0000

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