https://youtube/watch?v=R-m9bjSQ_Ak - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=R-m9bjSQ_Ak Disaster of Opportunities, explains the relationship to the annual $2T in fossil fuel subsidies, and the fact that the world economy will not crash like many in big oil would like us to believe, as global manufacturers can easily replace the needed energy with Green Technology in a relatively short time span 3 to 5 years and create millions of jobs in the process creating the needed growth to get our economy back on track ..! The fact that a small group of people in the US, the country of mass production with companies like GE, General Dynamics, John Deer, Caterpillar, Boeing, Lockheed the list is endless, have somehow made Congress and the American people believe that the US of all places as an example, can not make 50,000 wind Turbines (Sticks with 3 Blades ) enough to cover the 104 million US households with Clean Energy, creating massive growth and employment making the argument that this would be negative for the US economy, as US Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse stated never has the US been so misled with nothing but lies , I would say its probably the biggest act of treason ever committed on American soil against its people and government Not to mention the Disaster the very real risk that this will go down as the biggest Banking and Business failure in history, as the world just having recovered from one crisis will be faced with the fact that not only were the Trillions of $ in Fossil subsidies wasted, but even worse that over $6T of fossil assets are suddenly not worth the paper theyre written on, as these nonburnable fossil deposits become stranded assets due to abrupt climate change causing a global financial crises with unimaginable consequences, something which is by now already a fact mentioned in Lord Sterns report. Smart investors can see that investing in companies that rely solely or heavily on constantly replenishing reserves of fossil fuels is becoming a very risky decision. The report raises serious questions as to the ability of the financial system to act on industry-wide long term risk, since currently the only measure of risk is performance against industry benchmarks. Professor Lord Stern. Sec. John Kerrys climate speech that climate change is the new weapon of mass destruction, at minute 37:40 he mentions that the future of global energy markets is not oil coal or gas but clean energy. One could argue the Fact that the US business community and Wall street have lost all sense of business and maximizing profit, as the trickle down effect on the combine economy of going Clean energy would increase profits a hundred fold compared to any current Fossil fuel investments as these Fossil investment create little or NO new Jobs, with the net result that people have no money to spend on getting the economy going again..? To give an example just how misleading the facts are on Growth and employment, the annual $2 trillion Fossil fuel subsidies alone could build 350,000 Wind Turbines with enough energy to cover all the 1.4 billion households in the world, if that is not Growth and employment what is .? Our now that we are talking US, the Country of the Car and its mass manufacturing, the $2 Trillion in annual Fossil Fuels subsidies could build 80 million Electric Cars, again if that is not Growth what is, is it really better to let cities like Detroit go Bankrupt or give them this massive opportunity and restart the American dream ..? Its all about CleanTech = Badly needed Growth = Badly needed Employment = Badly needed Extra Profit = Booming Economy
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:23:33 +0000

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